From Your places on the Google Maps app, tap SAVED. There, tap the blue “+” icon to create a new list. When you’re done, tap Share and copy the link to your list. Then, share it here. For more tips on creating great lists, visit this Connect post.

I don’t understand what I have to do, somebody can help me?



I think your question is where/what do you do share the list…

When you fill out your Connect Live application, it will ask you for the link to your list. It is there that you will put the copied link from your new list.

Hope this helps!

Hi @_gianluca_rinaldi

Sharing a public list is a way to share your experience of Local Guide with others. Sharing a list is also one of the requirements for the application to Connect Live 19. Here the tips for creating a list. You can visit the official Connect Live 2019 application site for more information.

About How to create a list and How to submit the list for Connect Live, here a great post by @davidhyno : Have you some issues on creating Google Maps lists? Solve it!


Hi, I continue to not understand what I hve to do… I’m trying from hours because is the last step for submit Live 2019…

Hi, I continue to not understand what I have to do… I’m trying from hours because is the last step for submit Live 2019…


Se mi spieghi quale passaggio non ti è chiaro, provo ad aiutarti.

Apri Google Maps, e dal menù scegli “i tuoi luoghi” (è il primo)

A questo punto vai sulla tab “salvati” (la seconda). Vedrai un cerchio blu con una + al centro. Cliccaci sopra.

Aggiungi un nome e una descrizione al tuo elenco (list, in Inglese), poi salva.

Ora il tuo elenco è pronto. Aprendolo vedrai tre pulsanti: Modifica, Aggiungi, Condividi. Premi su Aggiungi per aggiungere almeno cinque luoghi.

Puoi aggiungere delle destinazioni per ogni luogo. Quando hai finito, per condividerlo clicca su condividi, e conferma. Copia negli appunti il link creato, poi incollalo quanto prepari la tua applicazione per Connect Live


This is very helpul @_gianluca_rinaldi

Thanks for your detail information @ErmesT

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Thanks, I have just done… I have never saved placese before, but only share pics :slight_smile:


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Grazie del feedback @_gianluca_rinaldi

Buona fortuna a entrambi :slight_smile:

Hai, I need little help from you,

As it mentioned (From Your places on the Google Maps app, tap SAVED. There, tap the blue “+” icon to create a new list. When you’re done, tap Share and copy the link to your list then share it here. For more tips on creating great lists, visit this Connect post.

then share it here what does it mean?

where i need to share it ,

can u please help me on that issue

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Hi @sohann !

When you have created this list and you are ready for applying to Connect Live 2019 you have to click Apply in this page and fill in all the required fields (among this there is also the field where you can insert the list you created).

PS: it is not necessary to send me a private message if you want to ask a question concerning the post in question, it is sufficient to tag a person with the “@” symbol in front of the username (in my case @davidhyno): doing so the user by you mentioned will be notified!



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