For a long time I was looking for a good blood transfusion clinic. (I used to donate blood at the Central City Blood Transfusion Center). Friends called me and asked for help to donate blood to the “Department of Transfusiology. Heart Center: Blood Center”, I agreed, although it was scary. But it’s scary because you don’t know what this place is.
I will try to tell what this place is. This place is not as scary as the Ukrainians talk about it. When you enter the building (and inside it is quite small), we have the opportunity to hang things in the wardrobe and sit on the sofa, then we are called to fill out documents (the most important thing is to always tell the truth). Then you go to take blood tests, if everything is fine, then you are allowed to donate blood. You drink hot tea and eat cookies (it’s free). Then you donate blood and they put a stamp in the book “that you donated blood.” And in addition you are offered two options, 1 is a monetary reward for giving blood, 2 is free food.
Lastly, I want to say … Do not be afraid to donate blood. It can save someone’s life