I need some help with a local guide who is attempting to defraud a business I manage. I have proof and all I need is help removeeing this guide. People trust that local guides are truthful with their reviews and due to this person we have lost countless revenue. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Please direct message me for more information on this individual.
There is a local google guide posting false reviews on a company’s website in an attempt to defraud the owner. I have screen shots and proof of the clear violations that a guide should not do and this person is. I would greatly appreciate if someone would help as soon as possible because we are losing potential customers to this person. Thanks in advance.
Regarding 'a local google guide posting false reviews on a company’s website’, local guides cannot post a review on a company’s website.
If you want to report a potential violation of the policy you can report a local guide. To know about this please read 'How to identify and report fraud on Google Maps. ’ And as mention in this post only tag a Google Moderator listed here. Hope this helps.
Thank you for reaching out regarding this unpleasant experience, and thank you @ErmesT for merging.
Since you are a business owner, the best way you can report a Local Guide, who you think is violating our program policies, is by following these steps here. You can also reach out to the Google My Business Help for some additional inquiries.
I will also reach to you privately with some additional information on how to report a Local Guide who is violating our policies.
Thank you @LilyanaZ I have done those steps. The issue is they never visited our business and left a false review. When we flagged it google said it was ok, but it isn’t bc they did something that shows to Google they did nothing wrong and that’s where my proof comes in. I can’t explain more without violating their privacy. Hope you understand.