Help to remove the wrong boundary of a city

Hello @TsekoV and all

There is one city in Iran with its real and correct name:



Here is the Wikipedia article about it which is retrieved from official data:

But there is also one wrong boundary for this city inside the main boundary of the city and this wrong one has a descriptive Persian name about the Gerash.

This is clearly a wrong boundary with a wrong Persian name which means: Gerash county the jewelry of south

So I ask Googlers please help to remove this wrong info from the map because users can do nothing for editing boundaries.

Thanks a lot


Hi @Amiran Local Guides cannot do this. I suggest you either report the issue by sending feedback within the App or head over the Maps Support Community



Hello @PaulPavlinovich , Thanks for your kindly suggestion

I also wrote this is not something that users can edit, so I tagged @TsekoV to get help. Maps feedback by other users didn’t have any result in this case and so explaining the issue in the forums was the best choice.

To prevent repeating one issue two times, I think it would be good to wait for help from Googlers and if they can not help here, I’ll describe in the Maps forum, although in there the experts will also escalate the issue to the Googlers and have the same result with an indirect method.


Hi @Amiran ,

You can follow the tips that @PaulPavlinovich kindly shared with you.

Just to let you know, I am marking his reply as a solution, so other Local Guides can refer to it. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers when searching on the Connect. Please take a look at How do I mark comments as solutions? article.


Hi @Amiran for non urgent issues like this one its best to report the issues for the support community that I gave the link for previously. I report plenty over there myself but if I would not report something where I did not have evidence as it would not be escalated and it is best to make this sort of report first hand at


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Hi again @PaulPavlinovich

I also reported many issues there and know the process but I just thought having correct names and boundaries for cities is a little bit urgent so I expressed here first. Sorry.

Thanks for the clarification about the Connect, I think your second response is better for selecting as the “Solution” because it prevents from confusing users about the requests they can discuss here on Connect.