Help to remove places


Ther is new places added in few days that is not found i real …

Ppl adding the place for political issue …i thing its make confuse for other …

I already make reports fir all of them but ut still appear in map i wish that one if admin remove it

تسقط or تسقط بس

Or any relatives of thes word is not found

Plz remove it

Thanx for helping



@mstfa just checking if you are on Maps > Suggest an Edit > Remove this place > Spam, fake, or offensive.

And also check your contributions under Edit. Does it say “pending” or “not applied”?

If pending, you may need to wait a little longer.

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Thanx @StephenAbraham yes i allready check it and its pending for that i make the post

Hello @mstfa ,

As @StephenAbraham , mentioned above it may last a certain time your edits to be approved.

Here is an article which describes very well why it may take a bit longer for an edit to be applied - Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”?

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