Help to prevent from more wrong language change on Maps by a user

Hi all,

Sometimes we see really strange situations that happened by contributions of users. It gets worse when we see one user repeated one wrong activity in many cases and is really harms the map.

In a recent case, I see one user replaced the correct naming fields of many places and entered Persian name in the English field and vice versa. I really don’t know why one user may put time to destroy the map in such way but I can guess anyone may do this to get points.

I see these wrong edits just some days after I expressed an idea to prevent such edits! "

Do not let wrong language letters in name field"

So I ask Googlers to check the edit history of some of these places to see who changed names field in wrong way and to prevent from more wrong activity, because we should put time to fix all and even we don’t know all changed locations. I just fixed some but saw these are a lot and didn’t edit them anymore to be checked by Google.

These are some of POIs those names languages replaces and should be checked to find the user who did wrong edit:

Hi @BorrisS I appreciate if you check this isseu.

Thanks a lot


Hi @Amiran

I trust that you already tried reporting such profiles for other policy violation. Or is your problem that you still don’t know who he is?




Thanks @MortenCopenhagen

Indeed I don’t know who replaced Persian and English name of places and I wanna Google to check and prevent from more spams.

On the other hand currently I have doubt about one user and reported him before for all other kinds of spams, but nothing happened to stop him.

If you can hunt down the users violating the maps, then you can always report it to the Google as a policy violation.

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Hi @Amiran

Further: if Google wanted to prevent us from using the wrong language in the name fields it can not be very difficult to set up an automatic filter. Just like I would like Google to create a filter blocking business owners from and others from using ALL CAPS in the name field.

Fingers crossed.


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Hi @Saprativ_Das

Yes, If I can hunt down spammers I definitely report them (Although sometimes not effective :)) and this is what I’m doing continuedly but some cases needs urgent attention because spammer is doing huge number of wrong edits to earn points.

Hi @Amiran Yes… You’re definitely correct! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, Exactly.

I totally agree with you dear @MortenCopenhagen

Just write it as and idea so we can support it.

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