Wherever I go to the small or even a micro business, I always take a pictures of it, and share it on google maps, because our behaviour is shifted.
Now everyone search review of the place or looking for recommendation on the one and only search engine, Google.
Especially in Jakarta, Indonesia, we always make an time estimation with google maps before we go somewhere, so we can know the best way to go.
Whenever I asked by someone, and I don’t know the answer, I just said to them : “just google it”
And so, if they looking for some place, they search on google.
they type : “delicious noodle restaurant” or “the nearest restaurant”, and some results are appearing.
And I think it’s a change for local business, like small and micro business to promote their business.
(Image of Milk cafe in solo, central java)
I always recieve email report from google maps about my photo contributions, and I really happy if I found that my photos has been seen by so many people, and they also give a positive response.
I do like share everything in google maps, I just want to connect between one who want to buy something, and one who sell something the others need.
And also, google always give me a reward, like discount voucher, etc. that makes me more spirit to share everything.
(image of great market of solo, central java)
And that is one of some reason why I love to share everything on google, and I’m proud to be a local guide.
Willy Pujo Hidayat