Help! I cannot see my post!

Please help! I did my first post today, but cannot see it anywhere. I suspect it was marked as Spam for some reason. :frowning:


Like you my friend I have been a local guide for a while now but new to the connect post thingy. I simply figure that your post will be at the bottom of the list last page which might not be easily seen until it gets popular and likes … :person_shrugging: hopefully im wrong good luck

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Thanks so much for the reply Jeezy! I am thinking it somehow got marked as Spam because I cannot even see if when I look at my account page. What is funny is that I can see this post, but not my original one I submitted earlier today. I hope someone (an Admin) can look into this and bring my post back to life!


I have just telrelea your post from spam quarantine. You can find it here

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Thanks so much @ErmesT !!! I appreciate you!!!

I just wrote my first detailed post with pictures and cant find it Pls help!

@ErmesT @MRPLATINUM79 if you can help look into the spam space!!!


No post from you on spam quarantine. Have you checked your draft?

Was the content original from you?

Please check: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?