Hi! My name is Rhirye [Riri]. This is my first post in Connect Live. Glad to know The Connect Live which can connect many people in the world. Hopefully, you can enjoy my posts.
My full name is Muslimah Aida or Aida for short. Rhirye [Riri] is the name of my childhood. Currently, I stay in Palu, Indonesia. What I love about being a Local Guide, I love traveling and photography. Become Local Guide like finding new experiences from time to time in my life. Finding others shares story, travel experiences and knowing many different foods from around the world.
One of my favorites is culture attractive and activities. How people from different place spending their daily life, their favorite food, a favorite place for holiday and etc. I love to see a great place with the historical story behind. My first time to know Local Guide is from Google Map. It is quite a good experience to share an interesting place from the map or from the new place I visited. Being a Local Guide gives me a chance to share my passion for photography and meet with other Local Guides around the world.
I have an old dream which suddenly comes true to have a job that could contribute to other people live and visit many places while doing my hobby in photography. I am not really good at photography. But I like to capture everything that interesting me, and hopefully can inspire many people and the world.
I do assessments and collects the data for disaster risk reduction activities after the big earthquake occurred in Palu. It changes me, and make me understand deeply with my hometown. Actually, I was born at Tolitoli, the distance is 7 to 9 hours from Palu city, the center of Central Sulawesi. I passed my life in Tolitoli until Junior High School then I moved to Makassar to continue my study. And after that, I moved to Yogyakarta and continue my study at Gadjah Mada University. All these towns are very memorable for me. And after that, I moved to Jakarta and worked there until 2015. To live in Palu is one of unexpected gift that God [Allah] give me in my life. I can do understand my town better than before.
Next, let’s get in touch!