I just found out about this website while applying for the Google Connect Live event! I’ll definitely check this site out more as I like traveling and finding the best things to do and to eat!
I’m currently living in Taipei and have been posting to my travel blog https://blorg.org/
At the moment there’s not much stuff on Taiwan but I’ll be building up that content over the next year. I’ve been posting A LOT of review to Google Maps. There’s a lot of small shops and restaurants that I could only find in Taipei thanks to other peoples’ reviews on Google Maps so I thought I should do the same. By writing reviews that helps businesses and other people.
I’ll be living in Taipei for the rest of 2019 and hope to find lots of interesting places. If you’re in Taipei, let’s Connect!
I’ll be posting more soon!
And about this photo:
There was this knife art sculpture on the sidewalk so I thought I decided to take a picture and upgrade it. I like having fun with photos and making short videos.