The concept of urban farming is now becoming a trend in urban communities. The high level of concern will consume organic vegetables and fruits not yet in line with the available land.
As a manifestation of healthy living and commitment to the people of Indonesia, a large retail company in Indonesia, Super Indo has launched a Super Indo Berkebun community program. This community is present for stakeholders both consumers and Super Indo employees who know more about the world of urban farming.
I along with other journalists felt firsthand how the sensation of gardening and harvesting were unusual. The author was invited to harvest directly the results of an organic vegetable garden located at Rooftop Food Garden in Super Indo Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta, on Thursday (9/5).
Ms. Tatie, one of the members of the Super Indo Berkebun community really enjoyed the direct benefits of this activity. He was the first batch of the Super Indo Berkebun community.
“Here we are gardening in a 300 square meter area which is divided into several blocks per participant. Generally vegetables such as kale, mustard greens, and spinach are able to harvest once a month,” said Tatie’s mother.
President Director of Lion Superindo Johan Boeijenga believes that Indonesian people have great potential to care more about healthy living. “This is what we want to manage to educate and build loyalty in the future,” Johan explained.
Urban farming was chosen as a gardening solution in the midst of limited land to improve a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally. This activity can increase access to consumption of organic vegetables and fruits independently. Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Superindo Yuvlinda Susanta hopes that Super Indo Berkebun can become a bridge so that consumers become more loyal and care about healthy living.
“We really manage this community well, such as providing debriefing and cooperation with related agencies in terms of routine training on urban farming,” he said.
Community members do not need to be routinely present every day to see the plants because there are gardeners who routinely care for plants in each of their gardens. Pondok Kelapa East Jakarta is the fifth place initiated by Super Indo as an urban farming land after previously being present in Bandung, Bekasi, Cibinong and South Tangerang. By showing a minimum shopping receipt of Rp. 75,000, consumers can register for free as a member.
“Consumers do not need to worry because we make a new open batch for the third month. For the alumni we also facilitate with the existence of Whatsapp Group so that sharing and communication are well established,” Yuvlinda added.