Health is Wealth ( A Perfect Blend)

The air we breath is polluted the water we drink is polluted the land we walk on is barren. In the name of technological advancements, we are just disrupting our Mother’s Earth’s Natural CYCLE. We are just pulling ourselves into pits by disturbing nature and using natures natural resources more than needed. It is not in one person’s hand to protect our Mother Nature. Hope someday people realize and start respecting our Nature and PROTECT our nature for our own EXISTENCE. So we don’t care about our mother nature, at least we should take good care of our own body which Evolved from mother earth’s own natural substances. So, i want to share my everyday ORANGE COLOUR HEALTHY JUICE. A glass in the early morning will energise you the whole day, increase your haemoglobin content in your body and gives you good health. you need a Carrot, a Cucumber, a half Bottle Gourd and a half Snake Gourd. Before blending it in a blender KEEP THE VEGETABLES IN A CONTAINER FILL THE CONTAINER WITH THE WATER AND ADD SOME BAKING SODA(SODIUM BICARBONATE) AND SOAK THEM FOR HALF AN HOUR. IT REMOVES THE PESTICIDES REMAINING ON THOSE VEGETABLES. Then wash those vegetables thoroughly with water and then bled them in a blender and drink the juice early morning every day and see your FACE SHINE within a month. This is a perfect BLEND. Stay healthy and Stay Fit. Good day…