Haveing good day

‎02-09-2022 04:45 PM
Is my profile good?..
Hi there!

I hope you’re all ok.

I’m new in Connect, and until now, I’ve been doing some reviews only for my own, but sometimes, I wonder if I am doing a good job…, or not.

Someone with much more experience then me, my new friend @MortenCopenhagen , suggested me that I should do this post (I hope I’m doing in the right place… “How to do”), and immediatly I thought that was a great ideia!

So, if you 'll be so kind to see my profile, and my reviews, I would love to ear from you, if I am doing thing’s right, and how can I improuve, in order to give GMaps a better contribuiton.

I have also posted an article in Connect, in “travel” category, so, if you can see it for me, I would love to ear from you, if it´s well done, what’s wrong, etc…


I’m looking forward for your opinion’s.

Thank you so much, for your precious help!


PS: I’m sorry about my english; it’s not my primary language; I’m Portuguese!.., yes…, like Cristiano Ronaldo!!


Hi Ronaldo ( @Shekh01797 )

Please make your profile unrestricted under Settings in the Maps App. Otherwise no one can evaluate and comment on your contributions.



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I can’t see anything from you in Travel, @Shekh01797 , because there are no posts from you in there, and your link doesn’t work. Have you posted it with this account?

Also, as @MortenCopenhagen said, we can’t comment on your contributions, due to the fact that your profile is private.

Regarding the language, feel free to write in Portuguese, thanks to the translator embedded in connect we will have no or in understanding what you want to tell us

Thank you so much all everybody