02-09-2022 04:45 PM
Is my profile good?..
Hi there!
I hope you’re all ok.
I’m new in Connect, and until now, I’ve been doing some reviews only for my own, but sometimes, I wonder if I am doing a good job…, or not.
Someone with much more experience then me, my new friend @MortenCopenhagen , suggested me that I should do this post (I hope I’m doing in the right place… “How to do”), and immediatly I thought that was a great ideia!
So, if you 'll be so kind to see my profile, and my reviews, I would love to ear from you, if I am doing thing’s right, and how can I improuve, in order to give GMaps a better contribuiton.
I have also posted an article in Connect, in “travel” category, so, if you can see it for me, I would love to ear from you, if it´s well done, what’s wrong, etc……
I’m looking forward for your opinion’s.
Thank you so much, for your precious help!
PS: I’m sorry about my english; it’s not my primary language; I’m Portuguese!.., yes…, like Cristiano Ronaldo!!