Have you ever suffer bullying or being threatened, for being recognised when you have added a comment on a Local?
On June, I added a comment in Metropolitan fitness club in Madrid as a client. The comment I added was true, other members thought the same as me, the covid protocol was not good. But the direction of the club went into my personal life and I was menace. I remove the comment as they want me to do or they will fire my friend. I was not able to enjoy the paid period because of this. It has been a shame for a luxury fitness club.
I am wondering if I am the only one with this issues or someone else has suffered the menace of any Local…
Es muy triste lo que comentas, @Lieb , y comparto totalmente lo que indica @sweetnovember99 , siempre la verdad, sin ofender o usar lenguaje que no corresponde.
thank you for reaching out us and really sorry to hear your story, this shouldn’t occur of course!
First of all very welcome here on Connect, the official Local Guides forum. I see you are relatively new and this is your first posting, so you might want to read Your guide to Connect to make yourself comfortable and understand how to best use Connect.
You could also introduce yourself to the community and the other Local Guides by writing something about you here: Introduce Yourself December 2020.
To answer your question no, and perhaps I believe you shouldn’t be deleting your review if it was truth and respecting the allowed contents. Well when the business was going to threating you this is something you should report to the local authorities as it is just like any other form of verbal or written threating.
Since this is related to Google My Business you might seek for more specific help in the Google My Business Help Center. For now I’m tagging here @Giu_DiB to move your post into the HowTo board where it best fits.