Small Greenish Lake near Abbottabad, Pakistan
Harnoi Lake is 20 kms from Abbottabad on Murree Road. Its major tourist’s attraction for people of the upper Punjab right downstairs you’ll see the beautiful Indus River.
there’s also Camel Safari & Horse Riding Available for visitors
this place is perfect for Family Picnic Spot & for a day trip
will share more photos time by time
Regards TravelOBug
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#Northpakistan #Travelobug
Hello @TraveloBug ,
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with us, the area looks incredible! Do you live there?
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Ah ok I will take care of that Thanks for informing me
No, I’m a regular visitor of this place I live in Islamabad these days which is the Capital of Pakistan.
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You’re welcome @TraveloBug and thank you for the details!
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