Happy moments repeat here every year along with worshipping, singing, dancing and enchanting. You can see happy faces all around. And this is another happy day with the celebration of ‘Thuli Ekadashi’ or ‘Haribodhani Ekadashi’; the greatest of all Ekadashis throughout the year. It is celebrated 4 days earlier than full moon day of month of Kartik throughout the country. This video is taken in Budhanilkantha Temple area, Kathmandu.
You see these blissful elders singing and dancing very actively on the ground of Budhanilkantha temple enchanting the song of lord ‘Narayana’ aka ‘Krishna’. No matter how much physical properties we have but happiness remains alive in our heart.
Women. Oh! They are even happier. How do they gain efficient energy despite of empty stomach during Ekadashi day, god knows. The rituals performed in different places are unique for different citizens also.
Note: Nepali calendar has approximately 30 days in each month (maximum 32 & minimum 28 days). In each 15 days interval Ekadashi happens. Counting from Ekadashi day the fool moon day or new moon day happen 5 days later. In Ekadashi people; mostly female don’t eat food products and only take fruit or milk products. This is been practice since from human civilization. This way religion is maintaining the dietary pattern of people as fruits give stomach a bit rest from its day to day functioning and provide additional nutrients. In contrary nowadays in some regions people use to eat foods like corn etc. It’s not mandatory to follow such dietary pattern, religion says. It also suggests not to maintain such dietary pattern for kids, elders, diseased people or any person with any difficulties. One must feel comfortable while doing rituals.
Wow very interesting festival and pictures bro @BishowvijayaP
Local guides connect is the best platform to know more about different cultural activities around world. Internet provide us more information but local guides connect is something different platform to know real facts and real story. Again I’m a fan of your writing style.
It is a really beautiful event, and contain an important word: “happiness”
Happiness is something that shoud play an important role in the life a people, and a culture that is embedding the happiness in, deserve the respect of all the planet.
Thanks a lot for sharing, as usual, beautiful and important post.
A technical note: being in “travel and advice” board, you would be nice if could you include in your post some extra information:
Where (a link to Google Maps)
When (4 days earlier than full moon day of month of Kartik is not easy to translate)
You show us a beautiful page from Hindu history and healthy festival. The peoples are looking so energetic and happy, no doubt that fruits and dairy products are much better than cooked food with spices.
You took beautiful photos and shot nice video.Thanks for the information and every single details.
@BishowvijayaP Very interesting story and Thuli Ekadashi, A religious ceremony in Budhanilakantha Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal bringing happiness and now bringing happiness to Connect, happiness is something we can all appreciate here bro thanks for sharing @BishowvijayaP
#Celebration time! Celebrating #life, happiness and humanity. Thank you +Bishowvijaya Pandey for caring and sharing this wonderful event. Beautiful bright colours and #happiness in music plus dancing! Haribodhani or Thuli Ekadashi || A religious ceremony in Budhanilakantha Temple, #Kathmandu, #Nepal#GoogleLocalGuides#LocalGuidesConnect +Google Local Guides
Life is for celebrating and happiness. Thank you for caring and sharing your happiness with us.
It’s my another happiness to have your feedback @ErmesT bro.
ermest wrote:
A technical note: being in “travel and advice” board, you would be nice if could you include in your post some extra information:
Where (a link to Google Maps)
When (4 days earlier than full moon day of month of Kartik is not easy to translate)
How to reach the event (if possible)
Where: I had already provided the link in content. But in new posts I will try to display map link of place more clearly.
When: Unlike in English calender we don’t have any specific date for the happening of religious ceremony. The duration of month varies based on the position of planets on the sky and so do the events. But it often falls on November. I will try to provide approx. time periods by now.
How to reach: I never thought about this. I will keep this in mind.
Thanks a lot bro. Keep me guiding in upcoming days too.
Its my pleasure to express myself in between you and others via. such type of posts. Thank you so much for giving me a feedback. Also keep suggesting me if I need to make any improvements on posts.
It is my own pleasure to give a feedback for a beautiful post @BishowvijayaP
My idea is to make it not only beautiful, but also helpful for the people that, reading your post, would like to join the event in the future. Promote the beauty is a beautiful action.
I am enriched with double happiness @Justine2807 . One is to have fun while joining local events and another is to share events with guides and having their responses. So you are also a reason of my happiness. Thanks for providing a feedback.