Hello @PavelSarwar and the Google Local Guides-team,
I wish everyone a happy new year!

I’m so very grateful to the entire Google Local Guides-team for this very beautiful: ,Here’s your Local Guides 2022 Year in Review"-e-mail, I love it!

I have the same problem like you, Pavel and @MortenCopenhagen .
I joined the Local Guides-program on the 3rd of June 2017, I remember this exact date, because I received the very first e-mail: ,You are now a Local Guide for Google Maps" on this day.
I celebrate my Local Guides-anniversary every year on my social media-sites on the 3rd of June. 
But the new e-mail: ,Here’s your Local Guides 2022 Year in Review" shows that I’m a Local Guide only since 3 years, what isn’t right, I’m a Local Guide since 5 years. 
This is, because my Local Guides-account got wrongfully suspended a long time ago.
My Local Guides-account was suspended from the 24th of March 2019 till the 15 of April 2019.
Since then, I receive also this beautiful anniversary-e-mails every year: ,Excellent! You’ve been a local guide for 3 years." on the 15th of April.
But I should receive this e-mails only on the 3rd of June and this year I will be a Local Guide since six years. 
And I would like to tell you that I wrote my first post on Local Guides Connect on the 14th of February 2019 (before the suspension of my Local Guides-account).
I very wish that you would correct this little issue with the date for us, this would be very great and then we could be able to celebrate our Local Guides-anniversary even better. 
I would look forward to the 3rd of June to celebrate my Local Guides-anniversary with this beautiful Local Guides-anniversary-e-mail. 
This would be great if this could become possible, dear @DeniGu .

Thank you very much!

I wish you all a great day! 
Many warm greetings to you from Hamburg, Germany!