Happy Year with Local Guides Mismatch

Dear Local Guides Team,

Thank you for your email regarding exploring your 2022 as a Local Guides. In your email you mentioned about my year with Local Guides is 4 years. I would like to share with I joined the Local Guides program on 22 February 2015. The screenshot is attached here and I wrote my first connect post on 22 July 2016.

I would like to request to correct this info. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Happy Guiding.


Hi @PavelSarwar , how are you, first of all, and Happy New Year, of course.

Your ID number in Connect is 323, it means that you joined Connect from the very first day, in 2016, and we met each other in California in October 2017, so we know very well that you were a Local Guide before 2019.

Did you had any issue with your account four years ago? Or simply left and joined again the Local Guides program? This could explain the reset of the counter


Hi @PavelSarwar

I was once suspended and luckily got reinstated. But my start date was changed to the date I got reinstated.

Since my suspension was wrong I would expect Google to keep my original start date. Nope! They did not.

Let me know if you are successful in getting it changed. My prediction is not optimistic.




@ErmesT Hello mentor

Happy new year. Me and SUMAIYA doing good. Thank for replying. I never been left or suspended. I moved In Malaysia in May 2017 and that time I have change city only nothing else. Until last year got selected Guiding Star I have missed newsletters also. After long time in 2021 I have received email from Local guides regarding asking questions and then selected guiding star.


Hello @PavelSarwar and the Google Local Guides-team,

I wish everyone a happy new year! :partying_face: :four_leaf_clover: :sparkler: :tada:

I’m so very grateful to the entire Google Local Guides-team for this very beautiful: ,Here’s your Local Guides 2022 Year in Review"-e-mail, I love it! :heart_eyes: :hibiscus: :bouquet:

I have the same problem like you, Pavel and @MortenCopenhagen .

I joined the Local Guides-program on the 3rd of June 2017, I remember this exact date, because I received the very first e-mail: ,You are now a Local Guide for Google Maps" on this day.

I celebrate my Local Guides-anniversary every year on my social media-sites on the 3rd of June. :partying_face:

But the new e-mail: ,Here’s your Local Guides 2022 Year in Review" shows that I’m a Local Guide only since 3 years, what isn’t right, I’m a Local Guide since 5 years. :grinning:

This is, because my Local Guides-account got wrongfully suspended a long time ago.

My Local Guides-account was suspended from the 24th of March 2019 till the 15 of April 2019.

Since then, I receive also this beautiful anniversary-e-mails every year: ,Excellent! You’ve been a local guide for 3 years." on the 15th of April.

But I should receive this e-mails only on the 3rd of June and this year I will be a Local Guide since six years. :grinning:

And I would like to tell you that I wrote my first post on Local Guides Connect on the 14th of February 2019 (before the suspension of my Local Guides-account).

I very wish that you would correct this little issue with the date for us, this would be very great and then we could be able to celebrate our Local Guides-anniversary even better. :blush:

I would look forward to the 3rd of June to celebrate my Local Guides-anniversary with this beautiful Local Guides-anniversary-e-mail. :heart_eyes:

This would be great if this could become possible, dear @DeniGu . :hugs: :bouquet: :cherry_blossom:

Thank you very much! :hugs: :bouquet: :hibiscus:

I wish you all a great day! :grinning:

Many warm greetings to you from Hamburg, Germany! :blush: :de: :star2:

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Dear @ChiaraMariaC Thank you for your details comments. You know, I have never been suspended for a single day. But every year when I received this email with a mismatch I feel sad. I am one of the very first Local Guides.

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You’re most welcome. :blush: :sparkles:

Yes, I know that you never were suspended, @PavelSarwar . :blush: :bouquet:

It’s great that you are one of the very first Local Guides. :star_struck: :star2:

Yes, it’s very sad that you always received these e-mails with the mismatch and I very wish that the Local Guides-team will correct our start date of joining the Local Guides-program. :blush: :star2: :bouquet:

My start day was on the 3rd of June 2017. :grinning:

I wish you a great day! :grinning:

Many warm greetings to you from Hamburg, Germany! :blush: :star2: :de:

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Hello everyone, :grinning:

I only would like to ask if it could be possible to change/to correct the start date, the date where we joined the Local Guides-program, because it seems to be not right anymore. :blush:

If you have time, it would be very amazing if you could please take a look at @PavelSarwar 's post and the comments, @DeniGu or @MashaPS . :blush: :bouquet:

I have this issue too and my official start date is the 3rd of June 2017. :blush:

I wrote more informations in my other comments under this post. :grinning: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:

Thank you very much for your help and for taking the time for us! :blush: :bouquet: :sparkles:

I wish you a great day! :grinning:

Many warm greetings from Hamburg, Germany! :grinning: :de: :star2: