just doing my part to help other. Good to look back on what and where I been. I am a trucker on road stop a lot places try to fill in so people know what to expect
Hi @Patrickmp ,
Thanks for sharing and welcome to Connect. : ]
We would love to hear further on the stories of the locations you have driven to.
However, your post has been relabeled to the Local Stories board, should that seem to be more suitable.
For a starter, we would recommend to check this interesting post with 14 helpful tips for using Connect.
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Hi @Patrickmp thanks for being part of the local guide, helping others on Google map, to add on what @sonnyNg has mentioned already, check this link in order to become a better local guide on how to write great posts: How to write a great post - Basic Tips (Connect Writing Challenge) I hope this will be helpful to you. Thank you.
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