In view of the health and safety guidelines in the context of COVID-19 pandemic situation, Government of India decided that 74th Independence Day celebrations will not be a public event. By following guideline of Indian Government me and family member celebrated the Indian 74th Independence Day by giving tribute to Doctors & Nurses and supporting staff’s of Hospital who helps a lot for fighting coronavirus pandemic by drawing rangoli in front of home as below,
Thank you to all of the courageous doctors, nurses, first responders, cleaning staff, and so many others who find themselves on the frontlines of this public health emergency. We owe each of them a tremendous debt of gratitude. Appreciated!
Congratulations @Anurag_Singh have a great day and may freedom be everlasting!
I would like to ask you to join the map and already a few country man) LG’s from India.
Check the post in link below if you would like to be on the map.
Happy independence day celebration to all my fellow Indian local guide. Freedom is the best thing humans enjoy as can be seen and felt during the Covid-19 lock down.
Pada tanggal 17 Agustus lalu diperingati hari kemerdekaan indonesia. Masyarakat memperingatinya dengan mengadakan berbagai lomba. Diantaranya loba hias sepeda dan berjalan di sebatang kayu yang diletakkan diatas sungai. Mereka sangat antusias mengikutinya.