Wishing my dearest LG family a great 2023!

Now that the new dawn has arrived, I would like to wish every LG, wherever they are, a happy new year.

May 2023 be filled with more joy, happiness, health, and success.
May we travel more and further, so we can contribute more as well!

On the last day of 2022, I joined some ladies and hiked to the Mt. Kaukau summit in Wellington. It felt good to do this ‘serious’ exercise, with a bonus of amazing view from the top, lots of laugh and never ending photo sessions, including with my newly arrived traveling mug! We made a pledge to do this hike more often in the new year, hopefully we can live up that promise!

Then, after 2 hours hike and thousand steps, we took a break before heading to my boss’ residence to enjoy the New Year’s Eve celebration.

We just can’t wait and together we had BBQ, karaoke session and of course, counting down to 2023. As for the food, we had meat, chicken, prawns, mushrooms, sweet corns and more, including some delicious Indonesian delicacies.

This year, Wellington City Council hosted New Year’s Eve celebration at Whairepo Lagoon at the water front area. Starting from 8 PM, there were band performance with Zephyr and Orchestra Wellington, followed by fireworks welcoming 2023.

Noting how packed Wellington waterfront area during Matariki fireworks, my family and I didn’t go to the waterfront for NYE. But instead, we gathered with some friends and families in Northland, Wellington and watched the fireworks together. For the firework itself, Wellington has 2 schedules: at 9.30 PM for the kids who cannot stay up late till midnights, and at 12.00 AM when we welcome the new year. It’s great to know that the kids can enjoy the fireworks earlier before midnight.

We were lucky to be at the vantage point and managed to see the lovely fireworks. It was not that long though, around 3 full minutes twice for the kids as well as midnight one.

I recorded the fireworks on my YT channel as well, as you can see here. Feel free to check it out.

Hopefully 2023 will bring us more joy, health, success and happiness! I hope I can travel more and contribute more as well on Google Maps and here in Connect!

And from windy Wellington, cheers for greater and more adventurous 2023!


@indahnuria happy new year, its looking very nice to see your photos.

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Thank you so much @Rashed … happy happy new year to you too!

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@indahnuria happy new year superwoman!! :heart:

The picture of fireworks is so beautiful, I am sure watching them live would have been a treat :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

The view and food look amazing that’s a wonderful end and begining of new year :partying_face: :sparkles:

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Yeaaaahhh :clap:t4: my boy is finally taller!

Happy to see you still love the color purple Indah! I guess the bond (between you and color purple :purple_heart: )can never be broken.

So Indah means; ‘Beautiful’ wooow.

All the photos are beautiful.

My most favorite is ‘photos of wellington’ captured from above.

This photo (of you with the snap back o ) you shared with me was on my status on new year day.

Purple is the color or royalty, I wish you a Royal 2023 with bursts of colors :purple_heart: of happiness. Amen!


P.S. I don’t have any photos of you in your Mukena anymore, please send me one. O had to go Google the name :laughing: did not find a picture until I wrote “things indonesian women wear on their head to pray”

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My dear @FalguniP … hugs hugs from Welly and a very happy 2023 for you and your loved ones!

We were lucky to get the vantage point and watched the fireworks, even though it was only brief. Did you celebrate it as well, Falguni? I guess fireworks are everywhere…

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Dearest @Ewaade_3A … indeed my boy is growing up, 16 yo now.

I guess purple is part of my DNA hahaha… I will always have something purple on daily basis, be it in my dress, my bag, accessories et more. I feel so comfy with it although my hubby jokes that I only know one color and one color only.

I will send you DM for the photos with mukena :slightly_smiling_face:

How is your new year’s eve celebration?

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Purple is a radiant color, I call it the color of Royalty, so, you have something really great in your DNA. I am glad he is growing well! You are Mum of a Teenager! A Teenager who still agrees to be in photos with you, you are fortunate.

Your replies are always cheerful and make me smile. I look forward to receiving the photos


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Happy New Year to you @indahnuria I believed you are in the first country in the world to go to 2023! I wish you all the best and keep doing great job :slightly_smiling_face:

Love those bottles :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy New Year Mbak @indahnuria

Foto-fotonya keren🤩

Beautiful post and Happy New Year to you too @indahnuria :tada:

I think where you are right now, this is the country which celebrate every new year before the rest of the world :heart_eyes: By the way, I love the pic in which you are with your son, he is taller than you now MashaAllah :heart_eyes:

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Shukriya Brother @KashifMisidia … alhamdulillah life has been great and yes, Masha Allah, my kids are growing faster. My son is way taller and my daughter is soon will be taller than me as well hehe.

We are earlier in terms of time for NY celebration, together with some more countries in the Pacific.

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I am lucky indeeed @Ewaade_3A that Bo my son still wants to be on the same frame as me hahaha.

All the best for everything…

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Happy, Wealthy and Healthy new year to you and the family @indahnuria . I was fully out of the grid the last few days visiting a remote mountain are.

Thank you for sharing the NewZealand new year Joy with us :heart_eyes: .

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Happy New Year mbak @indahnuria thank you for sharing your new year from Aotearoa (just knew this beautiful place :grin: )

Miss you so much!


Happy New Year! Wishing you a wonderful 2023 filled with joy, adventure, and many wonderful memories!

The pictures are Nice to see. @indahnuria Thanks for shearing.


Happy happy new year to you too @ravindus and wishing you and your dearest family the best for 2023! I saw that post on your mountainous adventures and it looks cool! Cheers to more adventure in the nearest future!

Hugs hugs mbaaaa @doc_dells . Selamat tahun baru juga yaaa…

Aduh, aku kangen berat dengan kalian semua ladies @Nyainurjanah (apa kabar bumil cantik) @AnikSetyawati @travelbyjp @Ddimitra @Velvel dan juga @Radjasitanggang et semuaa


Happy New Year mbak @indahnuria

fotonya amazing banget dah! pasti pake DSLR yg kembang api ya.

Thanks dah sharing keseruan tahun baru di Wellington. Sehat selalu ya mbak

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Awesome photos Mbak @indahnuria Miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :heart_eyes: :hugs: Happy New Yearrrr!!!