Happy Birthday in Moderations, Farid and Sampson

One year and one day are already passed. It was November 17, 2016, when @TraciC posted this Connect-is-growing-and-so-is-our-Connect-moderators-group, to inform the community that we had two more moderators, joining @iyudhi in moderating Connect.

I was arrived in Connect two month before, and for me the moderator status, showed near the profile photos, was the real symbol of this community. My emotion was so big, when I received my first PM, and the sender signatore was “Farid”. I’m not going to share the PM (is private), but for me it was the first contact between a Connect Moderator (not God, but not so far …) and me.

One year later, I know what a Moderator is, and it is the first time that a think about this, about what the new members think of us.

A long year has gone, @YK1001 , @FaridTDF , an year of continuos support. The community is a bit bigger now, we have more Moderators and a lot of new members. A lot of new friends.

So happy birthday Sampson and Farid, one year is an important step, and all of us, we want to thank you, for what you do, and for the good friends that you are.

OK, thats all. I’m not a man for party. My part of the post is ending here.

But I know a lot of people ready to start a party. HeHe

@OSAMA , @KarenVChin , @HelloSamsonR , @BishowvijayaP



Happy birthday in Moderation @YK1001 @FaridTDF Many many thanks for providing your great support in this community.



We can make albums with photos but nothing can save our goog memories !

I share your emotion :wink:

Now Connect is growing and I expect to come to “cruising speed” in the very near future.

More and more people are joining Connect program and I see 2018 as the Connect year of voluntary adhesion :wink:

Good evening.


@ErmesT , it’s been an incredible year! I cannot believe how time has flown by so fast, especially here on Connect!

A lot has changed for many of us. We’ve gain long lasting friendships here! @OSAMA has been very working hard in continuously “connecting” us all on Connect.

Happy 1st Birthday and Many More to Come!!

If you asked me last year at this time that I would be meeting and having strong, impactful friendships with @YK1001 @FaridTDF and you I would say “no way” because we literally are across the globe and have time zone and language challenges to deal with it.

Thanks to free Google technology and our will to make this work, we do it with such ease that people in my offline life still cannot comprehend how we regularly communicate with both time zones and language barriers.

It was amazing to meet both you and Sampson last month in San Francisco, again thanks to Google, during #LGSummit17 and spending time pre, during, and post Summit doing fun things here in my hometown.

Hoping next year @FaridTDF you will be joining us to make our circle of friendship complete!

We have sailing, a whole lot of eating and drinking, exploring, and getting into more shenanigans (aka fun times)!




Happy moderation year @ErmesT and @FaridTDF and @YK1001

we trust you

we believe you

we love you

Happy moderation


OMG… One year in internet age is huge number ,

One year full of achievements ,

helping local Guides Program to grow


@YK1001 one of the most Moderators direct to the point ,

@FaridTDF : Gentleman

unique member as his name Farid means Unique in Arabic :wink:

I start learning Spanish , not to use the translation plugin :grin::+1::grin::+1::grin:

:heartbeat: I love you guys :heartbeat:

Happy happy New moderating year :slight_smile:

Hope to meet you soon :wink:

Of course with Great Great Great

@ErmesT & Wonderful @KarenVChin

I believe that we have the most extraordinary Family in the Globe :dango::icecream::birthday:


Yeah @KarenVChin it’s forever Friendship :slight_smile:

I like all your photos Specially the first and the last :grin::joy::grin::joy::grin::joy::+1::ok_hand::+1::tada:

@ErmesT :grin::joy::grin::joy::+1::+1::+1:

@LucioV it’s Celebrating time :slight_smile:


Happy moderating birthday guys! You are great and helpful! :slight_smile:

Thanks @ErmesT for reminding this and @OSAMA for tagging me in!


I am feeling happy to say to our loveliest team in connect-Happy Birth Day ! Really they are very good and helpful. @ErmesT thanks for this nice wishing and sharing with us!


Thanks @Kamalhasnainee





For tagging me, but this is not my party.

This post is for @YK1001

And @FaridTDF

Two mentors for me



You really caught me unprepared, @ErmesT !

So now I know you are well prepare, so we can expect you will publish a 10 thousand words recap when the time comes, I am looking forward to it. :^)

Really, that is 1 year already? I cannot believe it!

My mind is still like empty and cannot function at this moment.



Thank you very much, @NareshDarji It is a joy day-in day-out for me.


Well, really it is @FaridTDF , that is posting this news everywhere but in Connect.

I will be totally unprepared too @YK1001 , but I’m sure that someone will post about it.

so I think I should start to write a recap now, to be ready for the next year. (I only have five months for doing it)

@KarenVChin , are your “thanks post” already written?



Hi @KarenVChin ,

You bring back so many memories which I still cannot wondering if they are a dream or real.

They are a dream come true, and I wish I can keep that dream going.


Thank you very much, @RonneBD !

I am glad that I can contribute. Together we can make Connect a warm and welcome place to everyone!


Thank you very much, @OSAMA !

Being part of this exciting occasion, being able to work together with so much brilliant people.

Connect really connecting us well!


Thank you very much, @Kamalhasnainee and @LucioV !


You are most welcome @YK1001 .


Woohoo! Connect Moderators rock! Thank you for being you, which is AWESOME!


Though its tuesday but I am here to keep the party on @ErmesT bro.

Belated happy birthday to our moderators @YK1001 and @FaridTDF .

You both are doing great here on connect. Nothing to say more but wish you both to have a good and beautiful life ahead.
