Hamburg's Speicherstadt, a UNESCO world Heritage Site

[:uk:] Did you know that in Hamburg practically EVERYTHING revolved around the harbour? It is hard to really understand why until one is there and can appreciate its magnitude. A clear example of the relevance of the maritime industry is found in the Speicherstadt, an area of high historical-architectural richness composed mostly of old warehouses.
Due to the way in which they illustrate this German city’s past, these buildings were declared as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.

[:ceuta_and_melilla:] ¿Sabías que en Hamburgo prácticamente TODO giraba alrededor del puerto? Es difícil entender por qué hasta que uno está allí y puede apreciar su magnitud. Un claro ejemplo de la importancia de la industria marítima se encuentra en el Speicherstadt, una zona de gran riqueza histórico-arquitectónica compuesta en su mayoría por antiguos almacenes.

Debido a la forma en que ilustran el pasado de esta ciudad de Alemania, estos edificios fueron declarados “Patrimonio de la Humanidad” por la UNESCO.

[:uk:] It is hard not to be impressed by the time travel offered by the streets and buildings of the Speicherstadt in Hamburg, Germany. The name of the area is, by itself, quite explicit as its literal translation is “city of warehouses”.

In the photo “Elbe” refers to one of the main rivers in Central Europe that flows into the North Sea, the one in which is carried out all the maritime traffic that has characterized and shaped the development of Hamburg.

[:ceuta_and_melilla:] Es difícil no dejarse impresionar por el viaje en el tiempo que ofrecen las calles y edificios del Speicherstadt, Hamburgo, Alemania. El nombre de la zona es, de por sí, bastante explícito pues su traducción literal es “ciudad de almacenes”.
En la foto “Elbe” se refiere al “Elba” uno de los principales ríos de Europa central que desembocan en el mar del Norte, aquel en el que se realiza todo el tráfico marítimo que ha caracterizado y moldeado el desarrollo de Hamburgo.


Hello @Marichams

this is quite funny, as I have been at the Speicherstadt last week and was thinking to create a post on Connect about this, but due to my schedule I was not able :wink:

Thank you very much for sharing the beauty of my birth town!

I see based on your posts, that Germany is a nice country for you. I’m happy that you like it!

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Hi @TorM ! It is funny indeed, they say that great minds think alike, so I’ll take it as a compliment! Hahahahaha. What were you planning to post? I would love to know more about it being your birth town, until when where you living there?


This is cool @Marichams thanks for sharing. It is interesting how buildings with similar function in ports around the world have a similar feel or vibe. This is one from the old docks area in Brookly NYC.

You don’t really need to post in dual languages - you can if you want to, but the page translator does a pretty good job (mostly).



Hello @PaulPavlinovich ,

really cool photo. I like this kind of buildings…

@Marichams ? I didn’t life there so long and moved away when I was a child. Later I came back several times to meet friends and relations, but didn’t like Hamburg so much.

Last time it did suddenly switch, maybe as well the office I worked from was in this street:

(For sure not the worst place to work…)


Hi @PaulPavlinovich ! Thanks for your comment. It does share that same vibre… Interesting indeed! Would be cool to spot more cities with lookalike places. That would make a great post!

I know I don’t have to do it dual language, I’m just experimenting a bit here, thanks for the note.


That’s what I call an office with a view!!! :flushed::scream: If you do not end up liking the city after being stationed there, there’s nothing else to try to make you change your mind @TorM !


There’s something about old red brick @TorM - magic

That’s cool @Marichams experiments are always useful - it was interesting to see that the translator actually did a fairly decent job as I saw both in English and they were almost the same.


I could not agree more with you @PaulPavlinovich , there is some strong magic going on with those bricks.

The translator is very good indeed, but since I have this in both languages I thought, why not use it in both? Hahahaha. Also, I did noticed that it gets a little lost when I alter the regular structure of the sentence, which I do quite often for the sakes of storytelling, and I have noticed that some of my posts appear not make a lot of sense when you translate them with a non human method…


This is true @Marichams :slight_smile: The robot isn’t always clever!

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It is great and I have helped my self and “survived” with it in many places, yet it is not human.

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