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Hello @W3W3T , Welcome to Local Guides Community. As this is your first post in connect. Thank you for your posting. Since you’re new to Connect. You can introduce or describe yourselfhere so that other may get a chance to know about you. I wanna share you some tips which will be very helpful for you.
Here are a few tips for using the community:
- Before start an discussion in localguidesconnect at first Search the community if your discussion related question is already asked. May be someone has had the same issue, same question, same request or same suggestion. So, it’s can stop making duplicate discussion.
- Use ‘Share Your Photos and Discoveries’ section to share your beautiful photos with description.
- Share posts that are relevant to Google Maps, Local Guides and exploring your world.
- Use a descriptive title for your post. Make it easy for everyone to see what it is you want to talk about. Make sure your post is in the right section of the community as well.
- Be kind, patient, and understanding. Help us make Local Guides Connect a friendly and helpful place to be.
- Protect the privacy of yourself and others. Don’t post personal information (your’s or other’s) publicly. There is a private messaging system in place which you can disable if you don’t want others to be able to contact you.
- Don’t use this community as a platform to sell your products, services, or rental properties on the moon.
- Give out kudos for great content, mark replies as “Accept Solutions” if your question was answered. It helps others find great content and highlights the most helpful Local Guides.
- Checkout the terms & conditions about posting on LG forums.
- Use this link to meet the Google moderators
- Use the Location field to geotag your post to a specific place, but make sure it’s important to the content of the post, this way you will be able to get in touch with other Local Guides from your country or even better, around your area.
- Use Google Local Guides forum to check any fellow Local Guide around you.
- You can also connect with Local Guides on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube!
Hope you can understand.
Thanks for being with Local Guides.
Happy Guiding
Happy Mapping
- Al Naiem