Haiti earthquake / Séisme en Haiti 6 Octobre 2018

La deuxième histoire du jour est moins réjouissante cela concerne le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le nord du pays ce weekend. L’urgence c’est de permettre le retour des enfants à l’école. Plus tard, plus structurellement ça sera d’aider les victimes à reconstruire leurs maisons en mieux. Beaucoup de maisons sont détruite pas seulement à cause de la force du séisme mais surtout à cause de la mauvaise qualité des matériaux utilisés.

The second story of the day is less pleasing, it concerns the earthquake that struck the north of the country this weekend. The urgency is to allow children to return to school. Later, the more structurally it will be to help the victims to rebuild their homes better. Many houses are destroyed not only because of the strength of the earthquake but also because of the poor quality of the materials used.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


A prayer of support for all of you dear @Vantz !

Thanks for sharing, hope you and your family and friends are safe!



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Thank you David

Family and friends are safe. The real challenges here are about raising awareness campaign for behavioral change and help the most vulnerable build safer homes. It’s become clear that we will have to deal with earthquake and other natural desasters in a regular basis.

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