Guides in Saskatoon

Any guides in Saskatoon want to meet up?


Let’s hope you find somebody in your area @SPS1 !

Sure, did you have anything in mind? No romance or related interest here, just in case there’s any concerns. I just like being sociable.

Did you get anywhere with this?

I’m kinda new but eager to help out, let’s meet up

Maybe we could pick an event over the Xmas break and gather somewhere for a hot chocolate or coffee, and get some pictures to add to maps?

sounds good! but im gonna be out of the city this weekend, would it work for you another day??

I am pretty time-flexible for the period after Dec 26 to Jan 2nd. I don’t pay much attention to what’s happening in the city though, so we’ll need to figure out an event to congregate at. might be better to plan it a while out, to try to get more people involved?

Well, I’m the 28 of Dec it’s the anniversary of Crisis a filmed recorded in Saskatoon and it’s gonna be shown at the Broadway movie theater. Could be an option.

Are you still looking?

I think there’s still interest, just not enough drive to actually do something. It may languish until someone keen comes along to push for a gathering.

Maybe if we posted a specific event date / time and just see who shows up. I was thinking about a low impact social bike ride followed by drinks. Now that spring is here, would anyone be interested?

Yes, looking to take photos and make edits for maps

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