growing lemon tree in Nepal. lemon is every kitchen need in Nepal. summer season very hot in my area every day frees lemon juice drinking very healthy in our body, for very benefit in our human life promotes hydration, good source of vitamin c , weight loss, improves your skin quality, freshens breath & It helps prevent kidney stones in our body.
Hello @Khanabadosh1986
I love citrus fruits as well not only lemon.
Thanks for sharing it here with us on connect.
Это великолепно друзья
Thank you for sharing useful information about lemons.
I love drinking lemon juice, but I don’t like the sour taste.
I add a little sugar so it doesn’t taste sour.
I see the lemon in this picture is green. Unlike the color of lemon which is generally yellow.
Is this young lemon that isn’t ready to be picked ?
Or another variant of lemon ?
@Khanabadosh1986 lemon I love this but too sourness so I adding so much sugar for reduced sourness.
By the way thank you for sharing your lemon so tempting
@Austinelewex yes lov it LG
yes he or she is good friends @pavelxxr LG
@Widyapramana haaaa LG me to same same one half sugar one glass is superb test
@Nyainurjanah yes LG
I have lemon tree in my farm, @Khanabadosh1986
@Bernalds73 wow name
Nothing better than successfully growing your own fruit @Khanabadosh1986 ! My family used to have a small lemon tree in the garden when I was a kid but it never gave any fruit for years.
When it finally started growing actual lemons it was like a weird sense of accomplishment.
Lemons are a favorite of mine by the way, they go perfectly with a good gin and tonic.
@MortenSI wow my post memories your child age.
It sure did @Khanabadosh1986 , It’s nice to be reminded of past good memories sometimes. I hope to see more from you in the future!