That is a pretty park @kadekedysutrawan I imagine its quite cool under those trees. Can you tell us more about the park? What facilities are there? Is it safe at night?
Hello @kadekedysutrawan ,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture, the park looks very relaxing.
Is there any picnicking area? Is it allowed to dogs too?
Thank for your appreciate. @PaulPavlinovich This park in the governor office areas, but this can use for public garden every weekend and holiday. The park have a lot of facilities such as chair, pedestrian, mosque, toilet, canten, and homestay. In the park have a football field, jogging track, field for yoga and picnic, and also have a lot of trees . The wheatear is trophic and moisture.
Success for your world wide 36 walk.
Yes, you can picnic in this park. You can jogging with your dog.
Thanks @kadekedysutrawan I’m curious what a “homestay” is in your region, here in Australia it can be a holiday you have at home instead of travelling which seems a little different to the context you used it.
I mean homestay like a rest area for the visitors. I dont know in english what the mean house for rest area in the park. Hi @PaulPavlinovich , I am very excited to visit your country.
Hello @kadekedysutrawan ,
Thanks for sharing this beautiful garden.
If I see a post of Indonesia, most of the time it’s something beautiful, green and natural. I would really like to visit this country. By the way this place remind me to the National Garden in Athens. Every city needs a calm green place where people can enjoy the fresh air and spend some time with their family and friends or just go for a walk with their dogs.
Cool @kadekedysutrawan thanks for the explanation. If you come to Melbourne here are a few suggestions
@PaulPavlinovich Tank for your sugestions, I will check your link.
thank for mention me @Petra_M , You are right about Indonesia have a wonderfull place and green forest but now Indonesia have increased a lot of forest because ilegall logging and open area for villagers.