Very good starting, fellow LG @indianWanderer ,
Welcome to LG Connect - an exclusive global forum for the Google Maps Local Guides Community where you can communicate with fellow LGs, share tips, experience, ideas, and receive information from Googlers - for more details, click Here.
By just sharing a photo may not attract viewers to your post. Kindly tell us more about the photo. Where did you take it? Why are you sharing it? How your photo can help other LGs? Which Camera are you using?, etc.
I also recommend you to view the posts by other senior LGs so that you can get more ideas about how to publish useful & attractive posts.
We all are ready to help you.
Best wishes for a wonderful time in our prestigious community.
Important TIP: Simply by adding the symbol @ before the User Name of an LG (as I have done above, to you), you can send a notification to the other member and that LG will come to know that you are talking to/addressing him - for more details, click Here.