Hello @VegarHenriksen
I use the GP Fusion and i use the Panoskin Trailblazer software (v1.1.0) on Win10
I have updated the GP Fusion with the latest beta firmware which allows it to record video at 5.6K at 24FPS.
I use it on a motorbike, so GPS on, Voice Command On, Wireless Connection Off ( i need my phone for directions hehe)
The way I use it:
I record in 30 minute intervals.
Once home, Load the footage into GoPro Fusion Studio v1.4
Select full stabilization for the clips, click add to render queue.
I use Cineform 422. You can also use the H.264 for lower size, but Cineform 422 has higher quality. (and higher space usage)
once the files are rendered, ( I leave it overnight… long and lots of space needed ), open up Trailblazer
click Create and select your method of recording Land, Water or Air.
Select the type It now has Video, Time lapse Video and Time lapse Photo. I stay with Video because it uses full stabilization… Time lapse Photo would mean more time as there is no Full Stabilization for it… 
Add your file. one at a time.
…and Upload.
You can start another Tour Creation, once its started uploading… you dont have to wait on that screen…
After it has finished uploading, you will see that it says “Processing at Google”… 2 days later, my uploads are still processing 
So I made 6 Videos… uploaded, and left it over night… or I went for Pizza 
its slowly showing up on maps… 48-72 Hours is what they say … So I will wait a few more days. 
On the SV app, it shows as a blue line under “Profile”
Hope this helps 