GoPro Fusion and video mode

Hello everyone,

I am a little confused if the GoPro Fusion supports the video mode in Street View?

I can see that it is listed here, but it does not say if it supports the video mode.

Is there a native integration or do I need to use TrailBrazer by Panoskin?

Does anyone know? Thank in advance! :slight_smile:

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen


@VegarHenriksen I don’t own the GoPro Fusion. But I do own the Theta V and the Insta360 OneX.

The Ricoh Theta V has the native Street View video mode, check out this link for my first try for that feature on the Theta V.

The Insta360 OneX doesn’t “really” have the Street View video mode, but apparently can use the Street View API to post video captured into Street View imagery. Check my first try for that feature here.

I suspect the GoPro fusion uses the Panoskin Trailblazer in almost the same way as the Insta360 OneX which uses its own software, I was reading about it

Can’t be certain though, but from what I know, only the Ricoh Theta V has the native Street View video mode.

Let’s see if anyone else knows more information. In fact, this post could be better posted into the Street View discussion topic.


Hello Stephen,

Thank you so much for your detailed reply and your guides. It seems to me like the Panoskin Trailblazer software is very well made and super intuitive to use so I don’t mind using that at all! I actually think it’s better to process the videos on a computer.

You wrote in your Theta guide that the photos does not show up under “contributions”? Is this true for both Street View and Google Maps? Also, does the views on the photos count towards your profile?

Thanks again!

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen

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@VegarHenriksen Glad it helped whichever small way. :slight_smile:


You wrote in your Theta guide that the photos does not show up under “contributions”? Is this true for both Street View and Google Maps? Also, does the views on the photos count towards your profile?

The video mode derived panoramas for me, does not appear in Maps contributions (for me it’s better that way, if not I would have tens of thousands of panoramas that I have to keep scrolling through each time), and no, there are no points for those from a Local Guides perspective.

For Street View, I remember it just listed as a video, here is a screenshot below for a short drive.

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Hello Stephen,

Understood. I tried to view the street view video form the Theta review, but it refuses to let me drop the yellow man on the blue lines. It works fine right next to where you drove. Does it work for you? Tried both web and mobile.

Edit: I tried using the link your provided in the guide and that worked flawlessly.

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen

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@VegarHenriksen On deskop Maps using Chrome, I can view the Street View ok… from the blue lines from the Theta V, no problem.

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Hello Stephen,

Do you get the same result when you try incognito mode where you are not logged in?

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen

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@VegarHenriksen From incognito browser in desktop Maps, I cannot drag pegman over a blue line created by my Theta V, it won’t show.

@user_not_found from the conversation above, we were discussing about blue lines from our consumer 360 cameras, and I realized the blue lines created by my Theta V can be seen as blue lines, but doesn’t allow pegman to be dragged on top to view the panoramas. Not sure if there is a limitation like this?

If this conversation is better to be in the Street View discussion, do feel free to move us there. Both of us have SVTP badges.

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Hello @VegarHenriksen

I use the GP Fusion and i use the Panoskin Trailblazer software (v1.1.0) on Win10

I have updated the GP Fusion with the latest beta firmware which allows it to record video at 5.6K at 24FPS.
I use it on a motorbike, so GPS on, Voice Command On, Wireless Connection Off ( i need my phone for directions hehe)

The way I use it:

I record in 30 minute intervals.

Once home, Load the footage into GoPro Fusion Studio v1.4

Select full stabilization for the clips, click add to render queue.

I use Cineform 422. You can also use the H.264 for lower size, but Cineform 422 has higher quality. (and higher space usage)

once the files are rendered, ( I leave it overnight… long and lots of space needed ), open up Trailblazer


click Create and select your method of recording Land, Water or Air.

Select the type It now has Video, Time lapse Video and Time lapse Photo. I stay with Video because it uses full stabilization… Time lapse Photo would mean more time as there is no Full Stabilization for it… :frowning:

Add your file. one at a time.

…and Upload.

You can start another Tour Creation, once its started uploading… you dont have to wait on that screen…

After it has finished uploading, you will see that it says “Processing at Google”… 2 days later, my uploads are still processing :slight_smile:

So I made 6 Videos… uploaded, and left it over night… or I went for Pizza :slight_smile:

its slowly showing up on maps… 48-72 Hours is what they say … So I will wait a few more days. :slight_smile:

On the SV app, it shows as a blue line under “Profile”

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


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Hello @lindemann ,

Thank you very much for this very valuable information! It sounds like a very fun and creative process.

Could you also provide a screenshot of this?

“On the SV app, it shows as a blue line under “Profile””

Nevertheless, I am excited to get started :slight_smile:

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen

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Sure absolutely…

here is the link of it as well

and since I am on a motorbike, I will get the Back Bar from Insta 360 to attach the GoPro to it… so I can wear my Full Face and be able to turn my head as well… When I did this test, I look like I am sitting very straight… also my speed was not more than 60KM/hr… even though I want to go faster hah

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Hey @lindemann ,

Thanks again. Looks like a blast, haha!

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen



your welcome… its tonnes of fun.

but I will also wait till after G+ shutdown ( April 2) to see if it affect anything :slight_smile: …

until then, I’ll be collecting videos :smiley:

have fun as well… Happy Mapping :smiley:

Hey @lindemann ,

Can you share what the outcome was after the G+ shutdown? :slight_smile:

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen

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Hello Vegar,

Personal impact, not much. Never used it too much to begin with.

I did backup my data when they sent out the email to backup data.

Got a new backpack kit for the motorbike

(, this was cheaper from Amazon UK, 2x 512GB SD cards (about 5 hrs of video) and a waterproof powerbank to run the fusion via cable.

Will be testing this setup this weekend.



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What type of video do you render with gopro fusion?

  • for Facebook.
  • for youtube.
  • for vimeo

Can I use 2k video only?


I just render in the highest possible resolution and let the social media platform handle the compression and data.

I’m sure you can use 2k as it will save both processing power and space! Good luck :slight_smile:

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen

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Hello @lindemann

Can you share with use a link to see your StreetView final result using your GP Fusion?


Hello @VegarHenriksen

Did you finally get to upload a StreetView road using the Go Pro Fusion? If so, can you share the link to Google Maps?

Hello @uzielu ,

I did indeed! It took quite some time to process and upload the 30 minutes 5.2K 24fps video, but it went live after a ton of processing and it still doesn’t look like the dots are connected. Here’s a link to my first “test”:

Yours sincerely,

Vegar Henriksen