@JavieraAu Please bring my post back as I asked that can Google sponsor us?? We are not using Google’s name to attract our delegates. You interpreted my message totally wrong . I just asked whether Google could sponsor us or not . But why you did this . Please read my message again and I request you to bring my post back
@JavieraAu Please do something I have not violated any of the rules and my account will be deactivated. This is the worst day of my life … I didn’t think that the people of GOOGLE would not understand and interpret the post in the worst possible way ever
Hi @DevanshK
Connect is a place to get to know other Local Guides, plan activities, share your stories, give feedback and more, all related to our topics. We ask that posts on Connect stay on-topic.
A post that is not related to the Local Guides Topics will be removed, as you already know. Post that are promoting activities not related to Local Guides, are removed. It doesn’t really matter if your post was related to a good subject or not.
If you are looking for a sponsorship, Google has programs to support the no profit association. The programs are not connected to the Local Guides program
What are Connect topics? will help you to understand what are the topics of the community.
@DevanshK , in addition, I want to let you know that I have merged your two post related to the same subject
@ErmesT So can you provide me a way to contact GOOGLE ?THANKS @ErmesT for getting me to know about the community guidelines …
An easy search will help you too find the same result @DevanshK , in any case, here is the link: https://www.google.com/grants/
Thanks a lot @ErmesT
Hi @DevanshK ,
As I can see @esmest has provided you with а comprehensive response.
Please note that I’ll relabel your post to How-tos because it fits better.