Google will show the world our life

I blocked Google at work. Because he is too democratic, and I work in a regular Russian school. Google shows forbidden requests when the prosecutor’s office comes to check the Internet at school. Now I have a search engine at work that does not allow me to impose a fine on the school for poor Internet filtering.
Google Map has a competitor in Russia - Yandex maps. But I basically do not add there content. I’m afraid someday Google Maps will be blocked. Perhaps the better the Google Map, the later They will have to do it. For me, Google Maps is a way to show the world that we are, that in the depths of Russia is also beautiful and bright. So I try to add photos.
With my student, we did research work with the help of Google Map. This month, this study took the first place in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren ( in the city of Moscow. With this research, we tried to show that Google technologies do not have a political hue, but help ordinary people and science. And I really want to Connect Live 2019) Thank you all for your attention.
My English is not the best, and I write in Russian and translate into Google translate. But if I go to Connect Live 2019, I will try to raise the level of my English to the necessary.


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