Google Privacy Check-up Notification - a warning on activity settings

I suspect this is something that won’t cause issues for many people but I just wanted to put out a quick heads-up in response to recent privacy check-up messages I’ve received from Google and the potential impact on Local Guides.

One of the items they flag as a potential issue is web & app history:

Just be aware that if you enable the “auto delete” options (to remove content older than 3 months, 18 months or 36 months) or turn this feature off it will have a negative impact on your Local Guides points.

I’m sure most are aware of this and we’ve all seen the posts here with lost points being explained by this feature but I just wanted to raise awareness while it was on my mind.

Another setting they highlight is “location history” - you probably want to ensure this is kept active with no automatic deletion too,


Thanks for reminding us. Important point.



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Hi @turbotapeworm

I’m sorry, but this information is not correct.

What is impacting your contributions (points) if deleted is your “Web and App Activity”. This because your answers about the “Yes - No - Not sure” questions are linked in your Web activity. Once you delete the activity, the answers are no longer connected to your profile.

Please read: Answer questions for the details

You can safely delete your Location history, without loosing any point


Of course you’re correct @ErmesT - this is what happens when I try to post here while in a meeting while home schooling and generally being distracted :wink:

I have seen a lot of posts on here where lost points have been attributed to location history though.

Original post updated to hopefully explain this potential issue correctly, thanks for the heads-up.


Thanks for editing your post, @turbotapeworm

As you are a well known Local Guide, others may believe in what you write, so maybe is better to write this kind of post when you are free from other activities :wink:

I think you should edit your title too, to avoid any misunderstanding


@ErmesT - I got too excited that I had something to post on here I think :slightly_smiling_face:

Subject updated, excitement has dwindled now, distractions minimised.