Google Maps surprised me!

I got $12.00 off from my exclusive perk of Google Maps on my next order of pizza.

Google is always surprising us with good stuffs.

I am encouraging Local Guides to contribute more and more because there is always surprises hiding from Google.

Thank you Google Team!


Very cool @SunshineNY . Congratulations. BTW, have you already ordered your Pizza? What is your favorite?

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@AlexandreCampbell , thank you friend! Not yet, because I need to find the pizzeria who provides that.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist in my neighborhood and I need to find one somewhere.

My favorite pizza is the veggie one. When the toppings are brocolli, mushrooms, bell pepper and tomato sauce and what about your favorite pizza?

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Nice choice, @SunshineNY . hopefully, you’ll find a place to redeem it. I always order the some pizza: Margherita (tomato and basil are the best match ever).

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@AlexandreCampbell , thank you, yes, I love Margharita pizza and it’s more Italian style. I forgot this.

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