Was promised a special edition of the socks in Sept 2019. However, ITs been over 4 months and I still haven’t got the same. Can someone please help me with the tracking mechanism or by when will it reach me??
Was promised a special edition of the socks in Sept 2019. However, ITs been over 4 months and I still haven’t got the same. Can someone please help me with the tracking mechanism or by when will it reach me??
Hello @Kalpd ! How are you?
Hope you are doing great!
Have you read this post?
It have important information to clarify questions about perks.
In addition to this I would like to let you know that not everyone receive perks, it depends on your region, country and your contributions on Google Maps
Hope this helps,
Best regards!
Hello @Kalpd ,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We are sorry to hear that you didn’t receive your special edition perk yet.
We will contact you privately with further instructions.
Hello, @Kalpd , I receive nothing.
But … honestly … I am not waiting for it … I just enjoy contributing
Doesn’t look like anything is going to come my way either. Will continue contributing nevertheless…
Yes @BorislavA . I think exactly like you.
I have never received a perk, and this is not issue or an important problem
I really enjoy contributing too
Best Wishes!
At what level do you get the socks? Almost level 8 but never got an email. Is that because I am in the Netherlands?
Same query. Help me track it? Appreciate it. Cheers!
Hi @user_not_found
Thanks for reaching out!
Perks are offered as a thank you gesture for adding good quality content on Google Maps, when they become available.
At this time, we encourage you to keep contributing to maximize your chances of receiving future perks. Please make sure to also check your email settings and update/monitor your email preferences as well as their spam folder, thanks.
Hi @chandrash3khar ,
Thanks for reaching out about the Google special edition perk!
Tracking numbers are not available. We ask that you allow up to 6 weeks for delivery.
If it has been longer than 6 weeks from when you ordered your perk, please go to the FAQs page on the redemption website, and input your unique code into the “What can I do about a missing or damaged item” and submit. Our shipping team will look into it and get back to you.
i received a mail on october and i won a socks . but its not delivered on april
i just want to know where is my socks
Thanks for reaching out!
Could you please provide a screenshot of the email confirmation page, when you successfully redeemed your perk? Thank you!
please help with same have not received socks
hello @BorrisS ,
I have the same issue about the perk, i already claimed the perk since last year but not receiving it till now
Hello @IndraMaulana ,
Thank you for reaching out.
For further instructions, I am going to contact you privately.
same issue try to resolve this problam asap
hey @BorrisS ,
i redeem my perk on 21/01/2020 still i haven’t recieved my special edition socks so please tell me what should i do next.
thank you!
Dear Borris,
I noticed you have replied regarding socks not sent. I also haven’t received mine and was wondering if someone could follow this up for me?
Kind regards,