We are proud of what we can do with Google maps… Now, we have a list where there are confirmed cases of coronavirus viruses in the world.
We are proud of what we can do with Google maps… Now, we have a list where there are confirmed cases of coronavirus viruses in the world.
Gracias por compartir una informacion tan valiosa amigo @Yurani !!!
Hi @Yurani , nice and helpful information about coronavirus spreading using google maps
For more details about the outbreaks, please check this link. Hope this can helps!
Hello @Yurani ,
Thank you for sharing this useful for all of us information.
Please note that your post was relabeled to the Local Stories section of Connect, as this is the place where you can write a post to inspire others to join your cause or share tips for ways people can make a difference in their local neighborhoods.
Your Google Maps list is very interesting @Yurani . Do you plan to keep it up-to-date? If so you have not included the now four confirmed cases of coronavirus in Sydney!!!
Hi @Yurani :
Thanks for sharing this link. Do you intend on maintaining it as new cases become recognized and confirmed? Very interesting for sure. Are you in the health field?
Thanks @fsldp for sharing the link from JHU! This is very helpful to visualize the infection around the world.
Gotta love technology and how we can use it.
I watched the news in 2 newspapers of my country and I began to look for it on the web to confirm in the newspapers of other countries. I found confirmation in newspapers like theguardian and in many of them who mentioned the map of google maps in which you could see confirmed cases and discarded cases. Reading I found that people who came from China and had symptoms were those who referred to clinics for testing, because exist the test. The WHO (World Health Organization) says that Chinese authorities confirmed the new virus. I think this is an important case and thanks a list of google maps the authorities can publisher the real cases. As the WHO says it is not necessary to panic . (We can find this information in the page of WHO)
I find it important and especially to see how Google Maps can help government entities to create a list to share this information, and necessary to know because we like travel and share. NJ
thank u!
Thank you @fsldp for that website (gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com) is very helpful - great to know that there have been a lot of people who’ve recovered from coronavirus, since the media focuses on telling us about the scary death rate.
Acá en Uruguay hay hasta hoy lunes 16 de marzo 6 casos del Covid19 todos en buen estado de recuperación. 4 son importados y 2 autóctonos. Se ha hecho un un cierre parcial de fronteras.
Sabemos que más allá de las informaciones maliciosas, la mortalidad de estos casos de infecciones TIENE UN BAJÍSIMOS PORCENTAJES, tomen las medidas que las autoridades sanitarias nos recomiendan.
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