Google Maps Road Closure Feature Did Not Appear Until After Hurricane Barry Was Over!

I recently wrote several posts, The Aftermath Of Hurricane Barry On Bayou Castine Louisiana ,Tropical Storm Barry Prep On Bayou Castine and UPDATE TROPICAL STORM-WARNING :warning: Along With Google SOS Alerts I’m Using The Smart911 App, on my experiences when Hurricane Barry hit Louisiana. Here in St. Tammany, we experienced Tropical Storm force winds and severe flooding, and like much of Louisiana. our roads flooded, making them completely impassible. I was trapped in my house for several days, unable to leave until the water subsided. I was well stocked with supplies and did fine. My next door neighbor evacuated, because her small daughter was afraid of the alligators that swim in the flood waters.

During Hurricane Barry, when my road was completely submerged, on July 13th, 2019, impassible, and barricaded off by the Mandeville Police department, I went to Google Maps to mark the road as closed. Recently @AriMar wrote two excellent posts in announcements about this feature. Unfortunately it wasn’t available. My only option was to put it in as a regular edit as road closed, which immediately went to "pending” where it remains today! As it was never accepted, there is no option to reopen the road. I have sent feedback through the app.

However, this was a dire situation. There are people living on boats back here, on Bayou Castine, and additionally people who wanted to know if they could return to their traditional homes. My neighbors followed my instagram for photos of their home. Then on July 15th, when the Hurricane and Tropical Storm was over, and the road dry, open, and the feature no longer needed, Google Maps had the "report a road closure” for "Tropical Storm Barry” on my phone.

I hope that in the future the timeliness of the feature improves, as it will be excellent, if it worked properly.


Hi @lynneannec,

I’m really sorry to read that you experienced tropical storms, force winds and severe flooding in Louisiana.

The crisis sheet with the “Report road closure” module is only available to users in the proximity of an active crisis for which an SOS Alert has been launched. However, all users worldwide can report a road closure anytime following the pin drop flow (step-by-step in the Connect article).

As timely information is crucial during a crisis, we won’t be able to notify you if your submission has been approved and posted. Feel free to refresh the Map in the next few minutes to see if it’s been applied.

Can you please share here the link of the road closure you would like to report?

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@KatyaL Google SOS ALERTS had been issued. They were in place for at least two days prior to the storm hitting Louisiana which was on July 13, 2019. The Google SOS Alerts were issued on the 11th, 12th and 13th. in my area. However, the road closure feature was not available until the 15th, when the SOS Alerts were no longer in place, and the roods had been opened already. At the time of the crisis, I refreshed the app repeatedly. Thank you.

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Hello dear @lynneannec

I glad to hear you again.

It is nice,that Hurricane Barry was over!

I read in your post about aligators in the fllood water…oh ,it is awful!

How are you!?

Are the people able to return to they homes!?

My best wishes,

Take care of yourself!


Hi, @helga19 , yes everything has returned to normal in my area. Thank you so much for asking. We have restocked our supplies and are fine! :heart: I hope you and your family are doing well too.


Hello @lynneannec

I am so glad that everything is Ok.

I wish you good luck,sunny days and nice mood.

Thank you for the wishes!
