I wanted to ask why cant i answer questions on maps there is no such option i am talking about the answer questions about a place simple answer yes no questions i am on ios and i dont have such a option but on android this option is available
Hello @Egdestro
Like you have rightly noticed, this option is not available on ios devices but only on android and the desktop. Here is aReference article on that
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Hello thanks for the warm welcome how can i check it on the desktop as i dont see it on my pc also
Please use the tag tool “@” followed by the username when next you are replying thank you.
Please click on the link below and have a look.
i had a look and this does not show up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzcsUmcXog here is whati am after
Hello, I think you are talking about the questions on the maps. I am using iOS and I can see the questions section. There may be questions just above the comments section. @Egdestro
correct but those are Q/A and they do not count towards the unlock fact finder achievement which wants you to answer quick questions like the ones on the video
Now I understand what you mean, you’re right, I think it’s better to use an android phone for this. @Egdestro
yeah cant afford to get one @Gezendunyali @SholaIB
Hello @Egdestro
sorry about not being able to afford an android. Nevertheless one more last thing on this, you can answer yes or no on the desktop if you search places that have Goggle listing directly on Google.
Thats from my desktop. nevertheless, I searched the places you have visited in Bulgaria and I dont seem to see that. That’s as far as my knowledge on this goes.
one last thing,please kindly edit this post to be on the "How tos: board. to Edit the post please click on the Three blue dots at the foot of the page, click on the “how tos” board on the head of the page. save message.
perhaps I should tag @ErmesT to help us out here. thanks
i had a look and nothing like that shows up
i did this search for several locations restaurants etc etc
neverminded i found it thanks for the help last question about factchecking can this be done on IOS or desktop or is it for android phone only @ermest @SholaIB
I am happy that, thanks to the community, you have found the way to Answer questions from a desktop computer.
unfortunately that kind of workaround is not available for “checking the fact” that, according the the help page (Check facts about places nearby ) "applies to Android only". Sorry about that
@ErmesT thanks for the reply somehow i have checked a fact and i have never had a android phone so yeah will need to see again thanks for the help
Actually, I’m doing it like this, after a normal search, I select the desktop view from the result side in iOS. You can benefit from there. @Egdestro
@Gezendunyali Hello can you provide detailed instructions as i cant understand how to make it work
Search for a place where you comment on safari. Then set your internet browser as desktop from the top left corner. So when you see the place you are looking for, you will reach the questions section on the right. @Egdestro