Google Maps Listen kombinieren

I sorted my places all in lists… I would now like to display all places that are saved in 2 or 3 lists at the same time… e.g. #Bangkok & #Restaurants… is that possible?

Ich sortierte meine Orte alle in #Listen… Ich möchte mir nun alle Orte anzeigen lassen, die in 2 oder 3 Listen gleichzeitig gespeichert sind… z.B. #Bangkok & #Restaurants… ist das möglich?


Hi @Asixtyplus

Great questions.

No, there are no tools available to merge 2 lists into one. If you really want, you could create a third list and copy all the pins from both lists into the new one. But then you will have to maintain 3 lists.

Please be aware that you can have two (or more) lists shown on the map at the same time.

If you would like to reorder (sort) the places on a list, then you will need to use the Mobil app where you can drag the places to your desired order. Another trick is to display a list on your map, and then zoom in. Then I believe only the places in that area will be shown on the list.

Alternatively, you could use My Maps where restaurants and other points of interest can be on different layers that can be turned on and off as you like.

All the best


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Hi Morten,

Thank you…


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Hi @Asixtyplus ,

I see that @MortenCopenhagen has provided the best answer to your question, so I will mark his response as the solution. Solutions are more visible and help other Local Guides quickly find the answers they’re looking for.

I’ll also change the topic of your post from Local Stories to How-tos as that’s the best place to ask a question on Connect. Learn more about our topic boards here.

Thank you.

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