I have used Google Maps for a long time, from to know how to get to a restaurant in my city, even to plan the routes of my next trip, and what best complements my decision are the comments made by people who have previously visited the place.
That’s why I like to comment on my impressions in Google Maps about the place I visit, because I know that this will motivate other people to visit the place, and it will also help the owners of the site to know what they should improve to please their customers.
I always try to take some pictures of the facilities of the site I visit, I notice the kindness of the people who work there, the cleanliness of the place, and of course I take a picture of the MENU of the restaurant (if possible).
Then comes the time to write the review, the best time to do it is when I have some leisure time, I travel by bus, or when I’m sitting in a waiting room. That’s when I take my cell phone and start writing.
I really like to write my opinions knowing that my comments and photographs are appreciated by other people, and some of them leave a nice … Like!