Google Maps/Google Local Guides Class Research Project

Hi there! I’m working with a group of students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information (more about who we are here and what we do here: We are taking a research methods course, and we are interested in how accessibility information is used on Google Maps and Google Local Guides users’ contributions of accessibility information to Google Maps. We are currently looking for Google Maps users who rely on the accessibility information in Google Maps, either for themselves or for others, and for Google Local Guides at level 3 and above who make contributions about places to participate in interviews and surveys, which will help us in our research. If this is something you’d be interested in participating in, please message me and let’s chat! Looking forward to hearing from folks in this great community!


Yes, I am interested.


You may like to furnish more details, please.


Hello @LindsayGrant ,

Thanks for your initiative and research project into harnessing the accessibility information provided by Google Maps! It is a great cause and we would like to see your writings and findings in the future. I would like to participate as an avid helper for making accessibility easy and reliable for listings as I have a cousin in a wheelchair that I think of as such.

Whilst you are looking for volunteers however, I must advise to please edit out your university email from your post as this is a public forum. May I suggest the use of the private messaging system embedded in Local Guides Connect to gather interested participants and for contact purposes? That would be highly recommended.

Thanks for considering the Local Guides Community as a means for your research method course, I’m sure you will get many eager beavers on board.


Hello? I specifically try to include pictures and information regarding “accessibility” to places on my contributions. I especially try to include pictures of parking for handicapped persons. My pictures of handicapped parking do not always get approved.

What kinds of things do you want to know about, and where is it accessible? Do you want to know more about parking, bathrooms, changing tables for adults, or something else? I have a family member who is visually impaired and I have a different family member who has Autism (ASD). I understand that having accessible public places is important. :slight_smile:


Hi there,

Thanks for your patience! Our surveys are currently up and running!

If you’re a Google Local Guide, fill out this survey:

If you have ever used the accessibility information on Google Maps, fill out this survey:

If you fit both profiles, you are welcome to fill out both surveys. Thanks so much for your feedback!



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Hi there! I’m working with a group of students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information (more about who we are here and what we do here: We are taking a research methods course, and we are interested in how accessibility information is used on Google Maps and Google Local Guides users’ contributions of accessibility information to Google Maps. We are currently looking for Google Maps users who rely on the accessibility information in Google Maps, either for themselves or for others, and for Google Local Guides at level 3 and above who make contributions about places to participate in isurveys, which will help us in our research. If this is something you’d be interested in participating in, links to our surveys are below:

For Google Local Guides:

For Users of Accessibility Information in Google Maps:

If you feel you fit both profiles, you are more than welcome to fill out both surveys.

Thanks in advance for your input! :slight_smile:

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@LindsayGrant Filled out the survey. It was kind of fun.


Aww! Thanks for your nice feedback! :slight_smile: