Google Maps Badges [2/5] - “Director Badge”, 3 Different Levels & Targets to acquire it - TravellerG

Hi, dear all…

This is the continuation of Post 1/5 - (please read it Here).

And, if you need Tips for shooting videos, it is Here.

For the “Director Badge” also, there are three levels and level 1 is extremely simple. The Level 2 and 3 need support from our fellow LGs.

Level 1 - Novice Director

Just by adding 3 videos of 3 different places, you can achieve this badge - kindly remember that you have to add videos of different places and NOT 3 videos of the same place.

Level 2 - Expert Director:

Condition 1: For level 2, you need to add 25 videos of different places (not of the same place or less than 25 places); you may add more than one video of the same place. That is, if you are adding two videos per place, then, you need to add 50 videos in total.

Condition 2: along with the first 3 videos, you need to add 97 videos for this badge; that is a total of 100 videos - in other words, you need to take 4 videos each (average) for 25 different places to achieve 100 videos.

Condition 3: you need to have 100,000 views of your videos; this score is outside your self-capacity; the views need to come from fellow LGs…right? - capture quality videos and publish them properly.

Level 3 - Master Director:

Condition 1: by this time, you should have added 100 videos of 100 different places.

Condition 2: you should totally add 1,000 videos of 100 or more places; this is also a massive target - plan properly and achieve the same.

Condition 3: the third target is still larger - that is, your total view should reach 1,000,000 (1 million) views.

According to me, once you upload above 400 to 500 videos, your views start reaching the target - frankly speaking, 1 million is not a difficult target.

Kindly read this post for more details about the Tips for video shooting.


  1. In my experience, videos of Restaurants and Malls score the best; the next are popular tourist attractions.
  2. I try to keep my videos within 20 seconds; videos above 30 seconds will be trimmed and the first 30 seconds only will be visible.
  3. The target and your current score will be visible on your Badge.
  4. How/Where to locate these Badges:

These Badges are visible only on the App/Mobile (Android & IOS):

Open the Google Maps App on your mobile → Select ‘Contribute Tab’-> Tap on your ‘Username’ → On the next screen, again tap on your ‘Username’ (DP) → Now, your Badges will be visible*. (view navigational images).*


Thank you very much @TravellerG sirji for your post, it will be very useful for us


Congratulations dear TG @TravellerG for your master Director badge :grinning: it would take to fifteen to twenty days i achieved My Expert Director badge. :handshake:


It’s indeed a badge one would really earn. It’s tough.


It’s very useful post for map badges


A concise and very well-written post @TravellerG , especially useful for those who are less aware of these badges hidden deep inside the Google Maps UI.

The master director badge is a hard nut to crack, and I am still 600 videos away from it.

But using your tip, I have started capturing more videos of places :+1:


Very very helpful and useful post specially for new LGs. Very nice post. Thank you so much @TravellerG sir for sharing.



Thanks TG sir it will be very useful for us.


Yes @TravellerG Sir :100:

You Explained the Process & methodology of Acquiring Different levels of Badges, likewise the importance if Director Badge…


Your support is vital for me to create such helpful tutorials, my dear @Raj_Tayade

I am extremely happy that you found this post useful.

You may kindly call me for any doubt…

Highly appreciate your kind support and valuable feedback.

Most sincerely


Congratulations Sir concept of good LG


Thank you, @TravellerG sir, for tagging me in such an informative post so early. I mentioned my mistakes while capturing films from location, and now I’m working on them. On today’s visit, I clicked video first and then clicked images, now I am close to the expert director badge. Thank you for sharing such informative post.


Thank you for sharing this informative article sir @TravellerG


@TravellerG Thank you TG Sir.,for sharing this informative post… :+1:t2: :hugs:

I have previously obtained the badge of novice director… also obtained other badges…

I’m a some steps away from being an expert director…but I’m working towards it… :selfie:t2: :nerd_face:


@TravellerG parabéns pela sua conquista e por nos fornecer ótimas dicas.

Gostei muito.

Minhas saudações de muito mais conquistas .



Mir fehlt nur das Meisterzeichen für Videos, ich habe erst 400 also wird es noch eine Weile dauern


“…fifteen to twenty days i achieved My Expert Director badge…”

That’s a great news, dear friend @ShailendraOjha

I shall be very happy if my tips are of any used to you in achiving your badges…

Hope to hear from you once you receive the Expert Director Badge.

Best wishes and prayers for achieving it soon.

:handshake: :heartbeat: :raised_hands:


Congratulations, for the current score… it’s surely a great achievement!

“…It’s indeed a badge one would really earn. It’s tough…”

It’s not like that, my dear @Kinjalchhaya … Once I to believed that Director Master Badge is impossible…

But, it is not like that… Even the target of views of 10 lacs, we will reach it before what we believe…

My sincere suggestion is to record less than 20 second videos of places which are searched by public… Examples are Malls, restaurants, important tourist spots, etc.



Thanks for your kind feedback, dear @Ptrivedi

Happy that the post is helpful…



If you don’t TAG, the other LG won’t get any “Notification” that you have responded to.

How to TAG: Simply by typing the symbol @ before the User Name of an LG (as I have done above, to you), you can send a notification (TAG) to the other member. Ex: if you need to TAG me, then type @ followed by TravellerG - then I will get a notification - for more details, click 'Here.

Kindly do the needful, please.

Aur help chahiye to mujhe call kijiye…



Thank you so much for your kind feedback and viable support, my dear @TusharSuradkar

Yes, this series is for beginners only - hence I have tagged only beginner LGs.


My most popular video (1,34,000 plus views) is of a Gandhi statue in Pondicherry. Popular tourist spots yield more views… - the PoIs, which are frequently searched by public.

Other high scores are from malls and restaurants.

Just a few suggestions for your thoughts…

Regards :pray: