Google Map Pin reward

I had Received Prestigious limited edition Google Maps pin From google Local guide connect thank you soooooo much Google map


Congratulations :partying_face:


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Hello @Johncy30

Congratulations on your new pin !!! Hope this will inspire you to contribute more quality to the maps and participate actively here on connect.

That’s said I’ll endeavour to give you a ncie welcome note and introduction to the local guides connect forum. Perhaps A Welcome-to-Connect-Card. Will be good for you at this stage. Hope you like the card.

On this forum we discuss topics like Travel, Photography, Food and Drinks, and many other topics. We also organise Meet-ups with other fellow local guides nearest to us in our geographical location. Any topic aside these will not be accepted on connect and maybe marked as spam.

Please endeavour to look up this posts Your Guide to Connect for more information on what topics are discussed here. If you haven’t already done so,please kindly visit our Introduce-Yourself-May-2023. to formally tell us about yourself following the 5 points prompts.

Happy guiding

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Congratulations @Johncy30 for your reward.

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