Google map issue

listen I’ve added stuff and I’ve shared things but my points on Google doesn’t show up on my page . What’s up with that . And it says I made so many points then when I look it doesn’t say .


Hi @RememberTheName89 ,

Thanks for reaching out!

First of all, it takes some time to update your points, as you can read in the Contribute to Google Maps and earn points article.


  • You only get points for edits that have been accepted. You may have added 60 new places but until they are accepted (about which you will receive an email for each place), there are no points.
  • Also, edits - and points given for them - in the map are updated with a lag of a day or two (while for uploading a photo for instance, you get the point instantly).

PS: I’m moving your post to the How-tos topic section, as there we are discussing issues and questions.