Google Local Guides Discriminates

I know people that had their accounts removed and are not ineligible to join local guides with zero explanation or warning. They were high rankng, millions of views and helpful comments etc all gone and removed with no email, no way to contact or anything.

This is more impactful for those that are not from the US and use this a guide and tool for others visiting.

When rating a business that not only discriminates and is openly racist only to have your account reported and marked as violating rules making you ineligible to ever return. Completely defeats the purpose.


Hello @jraleigh welcome to the connect buddy will you please explain your issue in detail because i didn’t get your issue :blush: thanks


According to Why was I removed from the Local Guides program?

"If you think you may have been wrongfully removed from the program and your account hasn’t been reinstated for more than 10 days, don’t create a new account to post on Connect. (That’s against our program rules, too.)

Instead, fill out the Appeal form, letting us know you’ve been removed. Be sure to provide us with your Google Maps profile URL so we can look into it. It can take up to three weeks to investigate banned accounts, so please be patient. Our team will reach out privately as soon as we have an update.



Ok. My wife, who’s not a native English speaker had her local guide account removed without warning and is now ineligible to rejoin.

We’ve appealed and received a response from noreply emails that leave no recourse to resolve.

I could understand my account being removed but not hers, if she’s ever even left negative reviews they’re full of positives and not direct or hateful towards anyone.

I just find it ridiculous.

She’s enjoyed using the reviews for like nearly 10 years, millions of views, likes, updates etc she was well onto level 7 to suddenly have that taken away is so pointless.

The most frustrating is no one listens and there’s no means to an end or solution.

I’ve submitted an appeal and got a canned message saying she’s in violation.

She leaves good content, honest reviews and good quality often with pictures and gets tons of views and things

It’s just so annoying and no way to resolve like how do I need to beg of who

Local Guides hasn’t existed for ten years @jraleigh

As @ErmesT mentioned your wife can use the form he gave you a link for to request a review.

People who stick within the rules rarely have issues but there is the occasional false positive which is why there is an appeal process. The appeal is by humans. If you don’t hear from them it means the appeal was unsuccessful.




Obviously submitted an appeal I’ve mentioned that multiple time apparently people here can’t read.

I need her account restored. The appeals process seems to be bullshit if false positives get through. She doesn’t even insult anyone in reviews, like she probably should given where we live. Instead she finds the best in places and updates location details, ratings and reviews

It’s not very complicated. Unless someone here can restore her account I don’t see the point. I dont even know what this connect site is for until I learned shes blocked from that too.

Blocked for broken English? What else would it be. I need a specific use case or scenario because there is none they can attribute to her to warrant a ban

Who submitted the appeal @jraleigh you or your wife? She needs to submit it from the same logged in account that got removed. You’re welcome to help her with the form since you mentioned language difficulties. If you submit it the form will be automatically rejected because YOU are not suspended.

Please keep your writing civil and abide by the Core Values of Connect - I understand your frustration but responding the way you have to volunteers who are trying to help isn’t going to win you any friends.


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Both submitted but yes an appeal was submitted from her account - to which she received the appeal update of some canned response about maps user content

Looked that up and I’m sure she’s not violated anything for user content. 100% sure.