Hello everyone
I am a level 6 Google local guide.
As an engineer working hard to establish a stable career, I always felt that I missed out on opportunities to explore different places in my own country, India. The need of a guide and a companion always stopped me making plans of exploration.
When I was first introduced to Google Maps and its reviewing features, I was thrilled!! It was all I needed at that moment. For that fact, it is what I need ever since then. So I started venturing into the world of Maps and reviewing the places I visit just for fun. But one fine day when my reviews started becoming popular and reached more than 20,000 views.
I was spell bound on how I am making an impact on fellow travelers. Coupled with this, came a mail from none other than Google itself appreciating my contributions. It was then I figured out that my photographs, reviews, answers actually made an impact. Thus started my love for being a local guide. Very soon I discovered that my contributions need not be limited to travel alone. It can be on food, how to reach, hotels , restaurants, bookstores, railway stations , airports and public toilets what not. I discovered a whole lot of things through this program. My taste for travel was improving. Being a local guide myself, I started to spread the word to all my friends to check out on my reviews and also start the same and contribute themselves to benefit others as well. I now boast of 741 contributions on varied places, trekking spots, food etc. It has made me confident to travel solo and not wait to make and break plans. It inspired me to take up off-beat places and explore the unexplored. I started documenting my stories along with pictures. I read and re-read my own stories in solace on sad days. It has become my favourite hobby, my therapy, my Best Friend. With this program, I aimed at developing people’s skills and extend help to people like me who love travelling. I equally love answering questions that pop up now and then by the fellow travelers. Its a pleasure when you see a like or a view for your contributions. I planned Pondicherry weekend getaway, Bengaluru exploration, hidden temples on hilltops at the soulful Sirsi ( a place in Karnataka), waterfalls tour, temple explorations etc. My Pondicherry trip was completely planned with the help of Google maps and reviews be fellow travelers.
The link to my post is https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/Bustling-Cosmopolitan-yet-pleasing-and-laid-back-Pondi-A-weekend/td-p/2353524
Do check out and let me know your reviews. It might help you plan your itinerary as well.
I must definitely mention one incident here where I read a fellow guide’s review of a trekking spot near by the place when I visited my friend’s marriage ceremony. I immediately made a impromptu plan of taking all my friends along with me. It turned out to be a memorable trek with my school friends. Google local guide program helps me pursue such impromptu plans and lead the path in travel plans. It was made me popular among my friends and family too. Perks of reviewing you know! I also read and learn about useful and useless experiences which help me create my travel plans carefully. At times when I have none to ask my questions regarding the safety of a place or how to reach there, I take help of Local guides. They come to your rescue be it from anywhere around the world and at any odd times. Such is the network and connectivity among local guides. This is what I cherish. As a local guide myself, this program enables me to help people and also seek help. Its a give and take process. Every traveler is confident and careful as a result of local guiding activity. Be it outdoor or indoor activities, Local guides have said it all. It would be an extremely overwhelming opportunity for me to connect to my fellow local guides in the Connect Live 2020.
Hope to see you all there. Cheers!