Google-Hosted Meet-Up: Mississippi National River & Recreation Area

Hello! For those of you who may not already know me, I’m Meg, a Local Guides community manager based in New York.

I’ll be hosting the meet-up at the Mississippi National River & Recreation Area on Wednesday, August 24. I’m starting this thread so those who are attending (and received a confirmation email) can connect with one another in advance of the meet-up.

I look forward to meeting you!


I’m looking forward to it! My kids did music classes at MacPhail, which is nearby, so I have explored the trail system but not the lock & dam. Audrey, 8, and Henry, 5, will be joining me for a little local education.


I’m very excited and looking forward to this great event. I love biking on the trails along the Mississippi but never had the opportunity to tour this place. Special thanks to Meg for hosting. See you guys on Wednesday.

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Can’t wait to meet everyone. I’m newer to the Twin Cities area so excited for this tour

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So I’m reading two emails, one directs me to the Lock and Dam across from St Anthony Main, the other is saying the park in St Paul. Which is correct?

@MegS wrote:

Hello! For those of you who may not already know me, I’m Meg, a Local Guides community manager based in New York.

I’ll be hosting the meet-up at the Mississippi National River & Recreation Area on Wednesday, August 24. I’m starting this thread so those who are attending (and received a confirmation email) can connect with one another in advance of the meet-up.

I look forward to meeting you!

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@GlenA The lock and dam is in the Mississippi National River & Recreation Area and is part of a larger national park that spans miles. We didn’t give the meet-up location (or time) on this thread (same goes for all other Google-hosted meet-ups) because we share that information only with attendees who received a confirmation email.

Both emails have the same information — please meet us at the location specified (and linked) in the original email. If you need further assistance, please reply to that email; I’ll be happy to share more details there.



See you all soon! :slight_smile:

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Great event! If anyone wants to share a copy of the group photo we did at the end, please let me know! I didn’t get my phone into the set of them that were used… :slight_smile: Did you all end up going for some food/drink after? Hope you enjoyed!


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Thank you to everyone who joined! What history — who knew Minneapolis and St. Paul had something of a sibling rivalry? :wink:

I’ve added my photos to an album — feel free to add yours too.

Thanks again for a terrific time!




I went to Mississipi river on 2015.
It was a beautifull experience .
One of my dream was know Mississippi river.
Greetings from Panama

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