Google Guides - Everyone loves a good experience but the bad ones? I like to know about those too.

Everyone loves a good experience but the bad ones? I like to know about those too, Google Guides do that. I love shearing and trading experiences on Google Maps. Without being able to read or see , though picture and videos others experiences I would have not been able to find Hidden gems and local watering holes that I now love and share with others. …Like Sonic Drive-In, Ferndale, WA or Waffle Magic, Nanaimo, B.C

As a Google Guide, like most of you I love to present both the good, the bad, and the average. Shining a bright, well deserved light, on smaller businesses working hard to get noticed and pointing out flaws in what should be an already well trained staff by the big business giant.

I feel not enough people are given a way to share positive experiences and others only want to listen to the negative but we as Google Guides change that. We all come together to share every experience no matter what the outcome . Which leads to a more informed public when making shopping choices and spending their hard earned dollar.

I enjoy knowing that we as Guides are doing our part to point out that individual or business offering up great customer service, products, locations or experiences and I appreciate the heads up on ones that may not be . This way I can make an informed and educated decision on how I spend my hard earned money. I lean on local guides when I have questions as well as give back as I guide for others that may have questions as well. This is the community that we all build and continue to expand though our contributions to each other and I love that.

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