When I first started my journey as a Local Guide I wasn’t aware as to how much my reviews, my photographs, my answers would mean to the people around me. Now after a journey of 2-3 years working as a Local Guide I can proudly say that I love sharing everything which helps our community in any way, I love sharing my photos, I love sharing my experiences whether good or bad so that people can choose wisely as to which restaurant to go for enjoying a family get together or just want to relax in peace after a hectic day at work.
The one thing that I love sharing the most on Google Maps is a genuine and good quality review of a shop or some restaurant or hotel so that if a person is willing to visit a particular place, he may get an overview of what that place looks like or how is the staff at that particular Hotel and what are the things he/she must avoid in order to save oneself from getting into any kind of trouble, whether he should take his pet to that place or not as there are many restaurants and hotels which aren’t pet friendly so the person will be able to decide more wisely with the help of my reviews. If a person is going to a shop to buy some product which he needs urgently, with the help of my reviews he/she can acquire information about the shops that sell that kind of goods which will save a person’s valuable time and money to a great extent. Reviews also help spread awareness about the restaurants who prepare food which is unhygienic or is not cooked properly or people who have earlier visited that restaurant have found some unwanted material in their food so a new person visiting that restaurant may get some assistance and avoid any kind of encounter with such bad experiences. Reviews about business shops and their staff can help people avoid places where the staff is impolite or the shops where the seller sells goods at a higher price compared to the original price of that product in the market and so the person willing to buy the required product can buy the product from a store which offers a better deal.
I love sharing information about small business shops as someday or the other we all need something from the market near us so if one already has some information about where to buy the product, its genuine market price and what are its specifications, it becomes very easy to go to the right place where he/she can get the best deal and get quality product in a cost-effective manner.
Good food is something which I and almost everyone is fond of. Food being the most basic requirement for our survival I look forward to explore it in my own way which can help the community grow in the best way possible. My fondness for food helps me in exploring and understanding the minor details about the food and what makes it the best in the area. I try every food item on whatever I can get my hands on and analyse its taste and presentation keenly in order to provide people of our community the best review about Cold Coffee, Momos, North Indian Food or any other cuisine of any other place where I have reached. I love sharing the photos of the food wherever I go to eat so that people planning to visit after me can learn from my experience and choose according to their taste, like if they prefer South Indian food then they must visit some other restaurant which is specialized in that food. Food reviews also help people to try new things and taste whatever is best in that restaurant so that they don’t miss out something which they would have if they weren’t aware about.
So I am thankful to Google Maps as it has developed in me a responsible person who cares about the people of our community and shares everything which can help anyone in any way whether it’s related to food or informing google maps about some changes in the road or addition of a new place which may help our community grow, I love to share all I come across and I am passionate about making our community better by each passing day.