It’s the third time I am trying to publish a review for a hotel and Google refuses to publish it because they “don’t allow content containing genital nudity”. Does that crack in the sofa really looks like a vagina???
Trouble is, even if I appeal the decision, I believe there is NO HUMAN checking anything since the review gets rejected anyway.
@MrUpsidown when you publish a review, what do you want to say to the reader? Do you find this picture very helpful? Even though this image may not actually violate the guidelines, you may want to reconsider taking a picture of the place, which will give the reader a better impression.
It’s a review of a dirty hotel. There was a big crack in the couch, amongst many other dirty and broken things. What’s wrong with posting a picture of the state of the furniture?
Sorry, I really had no idea that reviews and review images’ role is to “give the reader a better impression”.
Hi @MrUpsidown , thank you so much for this interesting post.
I’m very sorry about the issue with your review. We both know that the AI used by Google to detect inappropriate photos isn’t the best, and your post about mirrored images (issue that I escalated twice) is a clear evidence of that. Mee too I had several photos blocked for no reason. At least in your review the AI blocked something that may seems to be something else.
What I appreciate of the post is that you are telling us a lot about the improvement in the information we receive when a review related to a location inside the EU is blocked. The granularity of the info has improved, and you clearly know that the issue is in that specific photo, and why it’s blocked.
My suggestion is to wait for the result of the appeal and, if the review isn’t posted, to remove the photo to have your review posted, because in this way you will be able at least to inform others about the low quality of the location.
On the meantime I will escalate it internally, because this is an interesting “case study” for Google to improve the AI that is checking the photos.
Can you kindly share with us also a screenshot with the result of the appeal?
@MrUpsidown completely understand your frustration, since the moderators are already highlighting this to Google to improve the way AI deal with images users are posting i really hope they fix this and this shouldn’t happen in the future
@ErmesT Thanks for the reply. Yes, the other issue you mentioned (mirrored images) has not moved yet and the user is still posting more and more mirrored images.
Now regarding this topic, my appeal was finally approved yesterday on the 3rd or 4th try so now my review is posted, with all images.
Please feel free to escalate the issue if you believe it’s a good case study. Here is a link to the full review if that helps :
Edit : weird thing is that one of the images I posted (not the one with the couch) is displayed in the thumnails section of my comment when I am logged in, but when I click on it, it shows a black screen. When I check my comment in private browser mode, I don’t see that image.