Googl Guides Garden

Hi every one I am uploading photograph of aflower .I am unable to upload photograph of the tree on which it was blooming because I dont how to reduce or compress the photo on android phone,


Hi @ErmesT I am adding photograph of Gulmohar tree blooming with red colour flowerson its outer canopy.This tree grows to height of approximately 60 feet and its canopy is also approximately 60 feet.It has red or yellow colour flowers and other colors also.This tree is native tree of Madagaskar but now it is found in various parts of India .The photograph was taken today in my building premises ie on 12-5-2019.


looks beautiful flowers @DrRajanwalawalkar

To drzewo jest przepiękne

Dziękuję @DrRajanwalawalkar za udostępnienie.

Krishnochura to rzadkie drzewo., uroda jego kwiatów zachwyca :blush:

Hi Rajan, you may try to share your picture on Whatsapp, that’ll reduce the photo for you, then upload the sent image. Maybe other apps do that, but that’s a way…


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Hi @danielbp thanks for the solution I will try the method and do the needful.

Great photo @DrRajanwalawalkar
Thank you for sharing

Best Regards

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Hi @danielbp ,I followed your instructions and was successful .I have uploaded the photograph of the tree ,please see the photograph .Thank you very much by upgrading my knowledge .

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Thanks @Rezgar thanks for appreciating

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Excellent :+1: I’m glad to read that works. Happy to help!

You’re welcome, my dear friend @DrRajanwalawalkar

Best Regards

@DrRajanwalawalkar صورة جميلة ومشاركة اجمل منك

Wow, what an impressive flower! You’ve captured the saturated red colour so nicely, @DrRajanwalawalkar .

I imagine that when the flowers fall off the tree it looks like a red hurricane. :slight_smile:

Please note that I’m merging this post with your other one about flowers, Googl Guides Garden, to keep Connect organised. Thank you.

Hi @danielbp ,

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